Cascade Action Pacs as low as 11¢ Per Load at Target

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This week Target is offering up a FREE $10 Gift Card when you buy 3 select household items. Cascade Complete Action Pacs are included and we have coupons to make for a nice deal…

DEAL IDEA: Buy 3 Cascade Complete Action Pacs 63 ct ($13.99) = $41.97
$1.00 OFF ONE Cascade ActionPacs Dishwasher Detergent 30 ct+ limit 1
-$1.50 OFF ONE Casacade Action Pacs 30 ct+ MQ on Cartwheel x6/30 (one-time use)
= $39.47 – $10 Gift card back for buying 3 select household items
= $29.47 for all 3 or $9.82 each, or like paying around .15 per pac

And, the higher count basic Action Pacs are also included for an even better price per load…

DEAL IDEA: Buy 3 Cascade basic Action Pacs 85 ct ($13.99) = $41.97
$1.00 OFF ONE Cascade ActionPacs Dishwasher Detergent 30 ct+ limit 1
-$1.50 OFF ONE Casacade Action Pacs 30 ct+ MQ on Cartwheel x6/30 (one-time use)
= $39.47 – $10 Gift card back for buying 3 select household items
= $29.47 for all 3 or $9.82 each, or like paying around .11 per pac


Or, since there are only two coupons for Cascade, you could mix & match with other items included in the offer that we do have coupons for – here’s one more idea for you….

DEAL IDEA: Buy 2 Cascade basic Action Pacs 85 ct ($13.99)
& Buy 1 Bounty Paper Towels Giant Pack 8 ct (= 12 reg. rolls) $9.79 = $37.77
$1.00 OFF ONE Cascade ActionPacs Dishwasher Detergent 30 ct+ limit 1
-$1.50 OFF ONE Casacade Action Pacs 30 ct+ MQ on Cartwheel x6/30 (one-time use)
-$1/1 Bounty Paper Towels 4 ct+ MQ on Cartwheel x6/30 (one-time use)

= $34.27 – $10 Gift card back for buying 3 select household items
= $24.27 for all 3 or $8.09 each

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