We were all new to using coupons at one time or another and I can remember just feeling overwhelmed in the beginning. I hope this FAQ page helps to explain things a bit more about couponing at Target, and gets you started on the road to keeping more of your hard-earned money in your pocket.
Saving money by couponing goes way beyond simply clipping a coupon and using it on something you need. The best way to maximize your savings is to wait to use your coupons against a sale or a special deal and to buy several of the item if the price is right.
While I do maintain a stockpile, I don’t believe in letting my stockpile overtake my house. Sales usually cycle around every 3 months, so purchasing enough to last you through to the next sale is a good bet, especially if you are short on space. Be patient- building a stockpile takes time, it does not happen overnight, but little by little you will find yourself being able to grab something from your stockpile when you normally would have to run out for something.
NEWSPAPER COUPONS: One of the most popular resources are the coupon inserts that can be found in the Sunday Newspaper. There are 3 main types- the PG- usually put out once a month by Proctor & Gamble, the SAVE insert and the SS or Smart Source Insert both usually found in most papers every Sunday.
OTHER COUPONS: Coupons come from many many sources. Some manufacturer’s place Hangtag Coupons or Peelie coupons found on products on the shelves or Tearpads usually located on a display or shelf near the item. You may even spot coupons in magazines or at the office of your doctor, dentist, pediatrician, vet and more. Once you start looking for these valuable little pieces of paper, you will be surprised at just how many places they turn up!
We couponers use lots of abbreviations and terms, and you will catch on soon enough, but if you are just getting started- here’s a few terms to familiarize yourself with…
$1/2 etc: One dollar off two items. (1st # = Discount/2nd # = Quantity required to buy for discount)
B1G1: Buy 1 Get 1 FREE, or B2G1: Buy 2 Get 1 FREE and so on
PSA: Prices Starting at
GC: Gift Card (Target offers Gift Cards as a reward for buying specific items, see some of the more popular current ones on my Special Deals Page)
ETS: Excludes Trial/travel Size or , or ESS: Excludes Single Serving
MIR: Mail In Rebate (You can check my Rebates Page to see current offers available)
TMF-Try Me Free. Another form of a rebate or sometimes a satisfaction Guarantee
OOP: Out of Pocket. The amount you actually spend.
Q: Coupon, MQ: manufacturer coupon, TQ: Target Coupon
WYB: when you buy
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary-this means that it may or may not be the case in all instances.
x: Expiration Date of a coupon
There are several different ways to keep your coupons organized so you can easily find them. Many people use a binder method- where you can split up your coupons into pages with pockets and organize how it works best for you. Sometimes people organize by item type- ie Frozen, Snacks, Canned, etc, or some prefer to alphabetize. You have to do what works best for you. Some people like to just grab baseball card type album sleeves fitted into a binder to keep them organized. A binder is very nice in that it’s a way to have your coupons with you at all times which comes in handy for Target Clearance- it can be a time-consuming method- but wonderful if you can keep it up.
You can also use a filing system for your inserts. You can use either drawers or a filing box meant to hold the complete insert and file them by date. Since I and other sites you may start to follow usually list where you can find a coupon- it is just as easy to go find what you need and cut when you are ready to shop. So for example – if I list the following coupon as a matchup-
-$1/3; .50/2 Campbell’s Microwaveable Bowls or Soup At Hand 1-8-12 SS x3/15
it means it can be found in the Smart Source Insert in the January 8th newspaper. The different amounts in the front mean that some areas will have a $1 Off 3 and some areas will have gotten a .50 cents off 2. The x followed by the date is when the coupon expires. But finding the best way to organize is a process – and you may go through several different ways before you figure out what method works best for you. Also keep in mind that insert coupons vary by region, so you may not find some of them in your newspaper coupon insert.
Target can be a great place to save money in several different ways. For starters- Target allows you to stack coupons- this means allowing the use of one manufacturer’s coupon AND one Target Store Coupon AND one Circle Offer on EACH item. This means couponing at Target can save you big! Target Coupons can be found in a variety of places….
TARGET INSERT COUPONS: Target store coupons can sometimes be found in the regular Sunday inserts on occasion. Target Insert coupons are always regional though and not everyone will get them. I do maintain a Target Coupon Page with a list of the available Target Coupons with matching manufacturer’s coupons and Target Circle offers you can stack.
TARGET CIRCLE OFFERS: There’s also a savings program called Target Circle offering even more opportunities to get great deals! You can get as much as an additional 50% off, occasionally even higher, on items at Target including grocery, health & beauty, baby, clothing and much more. You can redeem all offers on your Circle in one transaction and an identical offer can be applied up to a maximum of four times in a single transaction. You are allowed one Circle offer with one manufacturer’s coupon and one Target coupon for triple the savings!
Circle offers usually appear as a % off, but you can also find Target Coupons and Manufacturer’s coupons on Circle as well!
If you already have the Target app, Circle offers can be found and added within the app. Once you have added the offers, and head to check out, just pull up your bar code found in the wallet and all the discounts will come off at once. You can also choose to access Target Circle from your desktop and once you add the offers, you can print a barcode to take with you to the store. Just keep in mind to benefit from Target Circle offers you must have or create a Target.com account.
There are a couple of great savings apps out there for both iPhone and Android users to earn cash back for shopping in-store. The first one, ibotta, is a fun & easy way to earn extra money while shopping for buying products that most likely you were going to buy anyway. Plus, the Ibotta app offers lucrative Bonuses. The second one, Checkout 51, is also a fast and easy way to earn cash back on the brands you love, yet it also has some unique features and… you do not need to have a smartphone to take advantage of this great app! Watch the blog for new offers and matchups to be posted, plus you can read about each of them in more detail as follows…. for more info on ibotta, go HERE and for more info on Checkout 51, you can go HERE.
Another way to save at Target is by taking advantage of their Gift Card Deals where a Target Gift Card is awarded at checkout in return for buying a specified product or products. Gift Cards cannot be used in the same transaction you earned them, however they can be rolled into the next transaction. If you do more than one Gift Card Deal in a transaction you WILL receive both Gift Cards. There are usually several Gift Card Deals in the Target Ad every week, that usually only last that week. However sometimes quite a few Gift Card deals remain unadvertised and extend for longer periods of time. Most Target stores will combine the amount of all gift cards earned in a transaction and put them on ONE physical card.
Target also offers Special Purchase Deals. These are usually a B1G1 Free type of deal or instant savings when purchasing 2 or more of a specific product. Again several of these are advertised each week, but some are not and last for 2 or more weeks. I do my best to keep track of as many unadvertised longer-term Gift Card & Special Purchase Deals as possible on the Special Deals Page. On that page you can find the details, coupon matchups and some Deal Ideas so be sure to check it out.
Target has a price matching policy which they refer to as a Low Price Promise. This can be another way to save Gas, money & time, since Target will honor local competitor’s ads, however there are quite a few rules and restrictions. You can view Target’s official price matching policy HERE.
You can find the official Target Coupon Policy HERE. It’s always a good idea to print it out and keep with you when you shop.
Target will accept printable coupons with a scannable bar code except one that is for a FREE item when no purchase is required. Competitor’s coupon and expired coupons are not accepted at Target.
Target does not give cash back – if the coupon is for more than the value of an item, the coupon amount may be reduced to meet the cost of the item. Plus, Target also has specific rules about using B1G1 coupons so be sure and check out the Target coupon policy for up to date information.
We actually are in the process of redoing our emails, you should get one no later than a week from tomorrow! I Will reach out and let you know when it goes out and send you a new sign up link if you need one! Thanks so much for reaching out!
Hi Kerry, I haven’t got your emails for a while now.
Hi Judi, We are actually in the process of switching email services, should be up and running soon! I’ll check back with you once it’s in place this week to make sure you are receiving! Thanks SO much for reaching out!
Hi, I am not receiving emails anymore, how do I sign up again
HI Kimberley – in stores I bbelieve there is no limit – however I do think there is a limit of 4 gift cards as payment online. hth!
Hi Kerry. I have a stack of the target gift cards ($5 and $10 dollar ones from buying certain items in store). Can I use them all at once on a large purchase?
Hi IG – yes sometimes they are only available in certain regions. They changed most of them to show up as exclusives for individual users – however every now and then there will be a cw not marked as sucjh but not everyone will be able to see it. Sorry you can’t see this one.
Kerry, is there such a thing as “regional” cartwheel offers?? The No Yolks offer you posted today does not exist on my cartwheel.
The Target on South Regal in Spokane will not accept printed manufacturer’s coupons, even if they are manufacturer’s coupons printed from the target web site. I spoke with the customer service desk at the store and the customer service rep spoke with her manager via a radio. He said this is a new target policy. I checked with Target on line and the person I chatted with said that was not a Target policy but the individual stores can set their own policy and Target will back up the store. I will not be shopping at that Target anymore which is too bad since it is the closest location to my house
Hi Pam- unf. cartwheel is in store only. hth
Can I use my cartwheel on an online purchase and how do I do that?
Can i use a coupon that says redeemable at Walmart?
Do you know what the OCT Target Beauty Box looks like? And when exactly does it come out? I seem to always be too late.
That’s awesome Tee! 🙂
Thanks for responding Kerri :=) Well, I went to target today and my total was $52. After coupons, cartwheel and gift cards from last a previous purchase my out of pocket was $34.83. My total gift card received were, $10 for meeting the $50 for the grocery deal and (3) $5 GCs for the purchasing 6 Tyson’s.
All was well and the cashier was impressed!
Hi Tee- absolutely you can get additional gift cards when you buy the Tyson. 🙂
hth & so glad you enjoy TT!
Hope someone can help me! This week’s sale is buy $50 in groceries and get $10 GC. There is also a deal on Tysons Chicken for buy (2) get $5 GC. If I purchase (4) Tyson’s plus a few other items to make it to the $50 threshold can I still get a $5 GC for every (2) bags of Tyson’s purchased and the $10 GC for purchasing $50?
Just want to add that I love your site!! I have save so much and I’m recreating a new stockpile thanks to the previews on this site.
Cashier declined coupon on clearance item a Target. She told me Target does not accept coupons on clearance items. I do not see anything in their policy about this Ay answers?
HI Donna – you will need to buy 30 cans if they are both MQs. hth
I have two Catina’s both $2.00 off (15) cans of wet “Purina Beyond” dog food.
Do have to buy 30 cans to use both at same time or will it take off $4.00 for
15 cans?
Hi Jen- you would have to spend $35 in order to use both coupons. hth
Will Target allow more than one threshold coupon in the same transaction? For example, the $5 off $30 coupon combined with the $1 off $5 market pantry mobile coupon.
Hi Carrie- I know that DFW has been excluded recentyl and I believe they are trying to get DFW back into the fold. HOpefully it will be sooner than later. SOrry that it’s been excluded I am surre it must be a bummer
What is going on with catalinas or lack thereof in the DFW area? I recently realized that I haven’t got any of them in several weeks when I cleaned out my coupons. Last night I asked the cashier about them and she says when she thought about it she hasn’t seen any print out for awhile. I did see your note on some deals where a catalina wasn’t available in several cities, DFW being one of them.
Hi Kobe- unfortunately printable coupons can disappear quickly – especially at the first of the month. There are some $3/1 coupons in this week’s 4-3 P&G, but there are also some $1.50 off printables at the same link as you tried earlier. Not as good of a deal but still a nice savings aftr stack. hth
this is my first time on your page and actually my first time trying to use coupons and on the page with the target special of free $15 gift card with the purchase of diapers/wipes $75 or more I looked at the links for the coupons that could be used with this promotion and saw a $3 off pampers coupon and clicked on the link but not able to find it. Could you please tell me how I could get that coupon.
HI Beth – $150 before any cartwheels MQs or TQs. JUst have to meet the $150 and then the $25 GC TQ comes off first. hth
For the current coupons of $25 GC with $150 in baby how does the $150 in baby sales add up? Is it $150 prior to manufacturing coupons but after cartwheel and target coupons? or $150 prior to manufacturing, cartwheel and target coupons?
FYI. Coupons.com has removed the ability to enter a zip code in order to gain access to additional coupons.
I just got my Target sales paper for 1/31 to 2/6, while almost everything in it is exactly as is listed on the website, there are a couple items (just so happens to be the ones I wanted to buy) where the price you have is not what is in my sales paper. For instance, my paper has sodas on sale for 4/$11, while the online version has 4/$10. Is this a regional thing?
HI Melissa- at the bottom of any daily email – just scroll all the way to the bottom and hit unsubscribe. hth
How do I unsubscribe to emails?
Hi Miranda- I am not quite sure how that would work- but my guess would be that it would take off one or the other. but lmk if you discover differently!
I saw that there are two cartwheel deals available that overlap. One for 25% off all C9 outerwear and one for 25% off mens outerwear. Can I use both if I buy a men’s C9 jacket (or something similar) ?
I use the target cartwheel all the time. I have unlocked 8 badges. I have not been able to unlock the social saver despite reviewing every one of my friends cartwheels. Is there a step I am missing?
Does anyone have the Target Debit card? Pros/cons? I am thinking of getting one and wondered if it is worth it.
Thanks a bunch for all the info!!!!!
Hi Kerry,
For the $10 gc on the $40 purchase coupon, can I use the one in the ad and then the mobile one on a separate transaction? I didn’t know if they would honor both since I would be doing one transaction after another. Thanks!
Hi Gloria- TQ policy states that they do not accept expired coupons. hth
Does target accept expired coupons? Thanks
Hi Cheryl,
I am not positive what you are asking but if you are asking about completing an online transaction you will not be able to use coupons and cartwheels. If I am not understanding what you are asking please feel free to leave another comment.
Hi Kerry, First let me say “Thanks for all you do to help all of us save money” I’m sure this has been asked many times already, my question is if I order from the service desk and have the items delivered to someone, can I use coupons, cartwheel and get the gift card? Thanks again, Cheryl
HI Jamie- no unfortunately you cannot. A transaction on Target.com is considered complete at time of purchase. hth
Hi. If I order on target.com can I take my receipt to the store to redeem my coupons?
Hi! When you try to price match with Amazon, I understand that it has to be fulfilled by amazon and not a third party. However, if it says amazon prime but it is still fulfilled by amazon, will they not price match? I have price matched before and it said prime but they wouldn’t today. It wasn’t a daily deal or anything. Amazon prime is just for the 2 day shipping. Just curious! Thanks!
HI Kellie- yes you can
I’ve browsed a bit but can’t seem to find this already being asked. Can I get more than 1 gift card for the same deal. Ex: buy 10 meal essentials, get $5gc. Can I buy 20 and get 1$10gc?
I have a question. I have a mfq that is b1g1 free for any Pedigree Dog Treats . I also have a b1g1 free Target coupon for the same items. Can I use both coupons the mfq and the Target coupons and get them for free?????
Hi Kerry,
I have a question about Target’s price match policy that I hoped you could answer. I just had one of the worst couponing experiences of my life at Target. I wanted to price match a Nivea lotion to Walmart and was told I could only do that at guest services. I got to guest services, and the cashier told me that she couldn’t price match and give the gift card. I told her it was my understanding that she could price match only one item if the other items were identical but it had nothing to do with receiving the gift card. She insisted that I was wrong, I said fine I wouldn’t do it at all and turned to cash out at in the aisle next to guest services.
She then told me I could ring up my other items with her, but I said no thanks, I’d rather go to the other cashier. I completed my check out, and realized that the 2 nivea coupons and the 2 gift cards I’d been planning on using were gone. The sweet cashier offered to check with the girl at guest services (who by the way was literally less than 2 feet from me), and the guest services cashier told her she ripped up the coupons and threw the gift cards away! To make a long story short, I pretty much lost it. It was completely obvious that she did this because she was angry I didn’t agree with her. It was so petty and malicious. I rarely lose my temper, if a deal doesn’t work out I move on, but this really did me in. I was in tears by the time I left I was so angry and I’m pretty sure I’m not letting this go until I get an apology.
I have scoured Target’s price match policy myself and I am not finding anything that validates her claim that I can’t price match AND get a gc. Any insight you have would help:)
HI LIsa – yes the coupons are unique- and should never be copied.
Ink is expensive- however you may want to make sure you are not printing at best quality. ie some printer’s draft settings are clear enough that a coupon will scan and uses a lot less ink/. try printing one coupon you are going to use- using your printer’s draft setting. if it scans- then that’s how I would print all your coupons as it uses a lot less ink. hth
Hello I’m new at couponing and I’ve been printing coupons and this is new to me, are the coupons unique that you print? The reason I ask is bc I use the right amount of coupons, but ink is expensive… Thanks for all that you do…
Can I use a manufacturer coupon online and if so how?
HI Alexandra – up to 4 unless the coupon states otherwise
Hi. I’m new to couponing so this may have been answered. How many identical MQs can I use at target? Is it up to 4?
Hi Ana it means you can buy 2 identical items and use a coupon on each item. only one MQ per item hth
hi i have a coupon that says limit 1 per purchase and max of 2 identical. so would that mean i can use 2 identical coupons for 1 item.
Hi Sally – You’ll have to print each individual post. On the best deals of the week posts and individual price cut posts I do offer the list feature though where you can check a box. so for example you can take a look at this post here
Thanks for reply Kerry. So do I have to print each individual post or can I do a bunch of them?
Hi Sally- look for a print friendly icon (looks like a little green computer) icon in the very bottom right corner of each post. You can click on that and then just click on the things you want to get rid of to print any post. hth
How can I print my shopping list? I usually have to print the Target list from pocketyourdollars.com because they have a box to check after each deal and then prints just the deals I want. I use your site everyday and would like to print it from your site. TIA
Which coupons should be scanned first, the target or the manufacturers? I’ve been given a hard time about certain coupons because after using the manufacturers my total didn’t meet the required amount for the target coupon. My understanding is that it has be the correct total before any coupons are scanned and that target coupons should be scanned first because store discounts are applied first. Just need clarification.
Thank you.
Hello all,
I was wondering if someone could help me.
I wanted to buy herbal essences shampoo yesterday morning with the bogo coupon that expired yesterday, but the shelf was already cleared by the time I got there.
And I keep hearing rumors that although target corporate policy states that they do not accept expired coupons, some stores have begun to accept them within a reasonable time frame (usually 7 days). Does anyone know if there is any truth to this?
Could I still use the coupons today if they have more shampoo in stock? Is this a ymmv?
Thanks in advance from San Antonio, TX.
Looking at the tidy cats deal. Where do I get the $10.00/$40and $5.00/2 coupons. I looked in my inserts. I am confused.
Hi. If I redeemed a mobile coupon, will it keep track? I thought I used one before and it said redeemed, but I think there is a coupon I’ve used, but it’s not showing as redeemed. Thanks!
Hi Erin- look for the little print icon- looks like a tiny green computer- it will bring up a list that you can just delete what you don’t want off of it. hth
Hi Kerry, are we able to select and print a list from the Cheap Finds page?
Hi Lela- you can use the same cartwheel up to 4 times in one transaction up to 6 times a day, every day. So let’s just say for ridiculous example you want to buy 96 lamps. You can buy 4 lamps in one transaction and use your cartwheel. you can then buy 20 more lamps that same day, doing 5 more transactions buying 4 lamps in each transaction. You can then repeat this same scenario every day for the next 3 days until you have purchased 96 lamps total. hth & make sense
To clarify, I meant Cartwheel discount of 20% off Room Essential lamps. I want to buy 2 more lamps to get another 20% off tomorrow if the Cartwheel discount is still there.
Hi Kerry, I printed the Cartwheel barcode that can be used to purchase 4 Room Essential lamps but only purchased 2 lamps today. The cashier gave me back my barcode printout. Can I purchase 2 more lamps tomorrow with the same Cartwheel barcode?
Hi AImee- many stores will let you do what’s called a missed coupon if you bring you receipt and the coupon up to guest services. But most will only do if it is within 3 days. hth
I bought some bounce sheets and I forgot to use my target mobile coupons. Can I go to customer service ans get it adjusted? Thank you
Hi, I was wondering if you know when Target usually starts to put their back to school items on clearance? Thanks?
I work for Target. We get trucks Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Sometimes we get Saturday trucks, but not every week, until Christmas time anyways. I can’t remember what day the food trucks get in though. I think it’s the beginning of the week, maybe Sunday or Tuesday but I’m not positive and that may be different store to store.
Hi, I understand most Target q’s are only allowed to be used once. Does that mean once per transaction, once per day or something else?
Hi Tiffany- only once. Mobile coupons only have a one time use. They apply to one item and only one time.
can you tell me if i have a target mobile coupon that says $2/1 product and I want to purchase 4 of those will it deduct $8 ($2 for each product) or will it only allow me to use the $2/1 coupon once?
Hi Nancy- it will be a ymmv- meaning there is no set rule in black and white- so as long as it is an MQ – your store may allow you to just buy 2 and use the Q, some stores may make you buy 3- so if they do you are better off buying 4, getting 2 free and using the Q on the 2 you have to pay for. hth & makes sense.
hello i wanted to ask on how to use my coupon.
i have a coupon that is buy two and save $2 and the store has a deal of buy one get one free i want to know how many items do i get to make my coupon count?
HI Sarah- if you are talking about identical coupons- there is a limit of 4 unless the coupon states otherwise. many TQs limit you to one identical per guest- so in that case you would be limited to one. hth.
Hi I was wondering how many target coupons combined with manufactured coupons could you use per transaction
HI Rachel- they are both threshold coupons and cannot be combined that way- you would have to spend $35 to use both coupons. hth
I’m wondering if it’s possible to stack Target printable coupons and mobile coupons, or are they both just considered Target coupons?
The scenario I’m hoping for is like this –
Buy a bunch of crayola products to be able to use the $2/$10 printable coupon twice
Buy a couple of other school supplies products to bring total up to $25 (including a couple of manufacturer coupons and carthwheel offers, but I’m not worried about those)
Use the Spend $25 on school supplies, get a $5 gift card mobile coupon.
Do you think this would work?
Hi Monica- did you try another p/u location?
I’m trying to get the tide deal right now and they’re out of tide 75oz so I’m wondering if anyone knows when they restock or get more in store by??
HI Nadya – you will have to try and see- but it is probably a one-time use code
Q: I have an online code for Target pharmacy rewards. Can I use it multiple times in the same day. I know the instore card can be used multiple times on the same day.
Can I do more than one of the same
Gift card deal in 1 transaction?
Hello. I have a question… I don’t know if I completely understand the coupon policy. I know that one Target coupon, one manufacturer’s coupon, and one Cartwheel offer can be combined per item. What if I have a mobile coupon? Does that count as my Target coupon, or can I use it with a paper TQ, MQ, and Cartwheel? Thank you!
Hi Skyla- you can register for my daily e-mail here
Wasn’t sure where to post this, but my store had small piles (5-10ish) of coupon booklets at open registers this morning. Store was the Columbia Heights store in DC.
All q’s expire 8/9:
$1 off fresh vegetable purchase of $1 of more
$1 off fresh fruit purchase of $1 of more
$2 off fresh meat purchase of $20 of more
$1 off Archer Farms or Market Pantry purchase of $2 or more (excludes dairy items)
$1 off Simply Balanced purchase of $2.99 or more
is there a way I can registar for this page so they can send me emails. if so how?
HI DIana- has to be $30. hth
I was wondering in order to get gift card with $30 purchase can I get it if total is $29.98 before tax & coupons or does it have to be = or > $30.00 thanks!
Hi Stacey- unfortunately I have no idea what will disappear and what won’t – but I include in my matchups for those who printed. I do print them all – but only for the sake of being able to list details for readers. But personally I always print the ones I know I may use for things I like. For example we love the market pantry string cheese around here- and I always print my max. Ibide my time – hoping for a sale while they are still valid. hth
I was wondering if Target would be doing a B3G1 on up & up like they had last summer? I started doing Target bargains last year and am hoping this is a yearly deal.
Thank you,
I need to know where to enter for the giveaways.
I noticed you stack printable Target coupons that are no longer available in this week’s weekly ad matchups (Market Pantry lunchmeat, for example). How do you figure out what to print ahead of time? Do you just print them all? How do you know when new ones come out so you can get those but not reprint all the others?
In what order should you use stacks? Does it matter if you use man q’s first or should you use mobile or cartwheel?
Hi Jadi – mobile coupons only apply to one item, most cartwheels will apply to up to 4 of the same item in one transaction. So the mobile would apply to one and the Cartwheel would apply to both unless the cartwheel states a lower limit. hth!
Does anyone know if the mobile coupons or even cartwheel will allow you to buy 2 like items and receive the discount on both items? For example if i have a deoderant mobile coupon for .25 and cartwheel has 5% off, can i use those both if i buy 2 deoderants? Thanks for clearing it up for me?
Thanks Kerry so much for the info i appreciate the reply
Hi Ray- it is nowhere in black and white and the register will allow it- so prevention is purely human intervention. The only thing the register won’t do is allow you to use a GC in the same transaction you earned it in but it doesn’t sound like that is what you are trying to do. If you have already discussed this with the store manager and he/she has put this policy into effect- you can inquire as to why and call corporate. But even then I cannot guarantee they will be able to change your situation. hth
Hi me and my wife use coupons and combine them with gift card deals to save more. Been doing more than one transaction for months and out of nowhere today we were told that the gift card cannot be used on the same day or next transaction and that it is store policy. I need help in showing in black and white that there is no such policy or is there? Pls help thank you in advance…
Any idea why Totally Target Facebook doesn’t show up in my newsfeed?
Hi Casey – the register needs to see $30 if you are going to use the coupon- add in a pack of gum or something small to use it. hth
Does anyone know if target will accept a $5 off $30 coupon if the item purchased is $29.99?
Hi Jenny- it’s supposed to be the identical item
I am looking to price match a stroller from Amazon.com at Target. Do you know if I can PM even though the Amazon and Target don’t carry the same colors? The product is the exact same, the color choices are just different. Thanks!
I went to target today and used 2 Dove B1G1 coupon, and gave the cashier the $5 off $15, and he said I can’t use the target coupon with the 2 coupons, but I’ve used MQ and TQ together before with no problem.
I was told at my local Target store today they they do not accept coupons.com coupons because they have trouble getting reimbursed. The cashier took the coupons but said in the future they won’t. I’ve used then there all the time so I asked her when that changed and she said it’s always been that way just a lot of cashiers didn’t know so they took them. I don’t see this in the coupon policy but do see they have the right to refuse any coupons. They were legitimate not copies our anything like that. Anyone else had this trouble? I don’t want to go back because I’m afraid I’ll have to abandon a cart of groceries if they refuse my coupons.
How does totally target know the preview for Target weekly ad? How do you get to know the inside info so early?
@Melissa- yes you can
Target has the right to reserve quantity- but the register will allow it if they do
just keep in mind T has a limit of 4 identical coupons per shopping trip. hth
If the ad says buy 3 personal care items and receive a $5.00 gift card, is there a limit? Can I buy 6 and get two $5.00 gift cards?
yvw 🙂
Thank you so much Kerry…
Hi Suba- I have been using paypal for over 10 years- its basically a way of paying and receiving money without having to use a credit card. You need to sign up for an account and then link it to your bank account by identifying 2 small deposits they will make into your bank. Paypal does not draw funds from your bank though unless you actually transfer the funds yourself. You can only spend what you have in paypal. Once you get paid by ibotta into your paypal account- you can then transfer the funds to your bank account thru paypal. hth
Could you please tell me reviews about paypal account ?so that I get my cash in ibotta using paypal.
Could you please tell me the reviews about paypal account ?so that I get my cash in ibotta using paypal.
HI Jessie- I would have asked for a team lead. What you were told s not described anywhere in the coupon policy.
Hi All, buying a crib from target for over $200 for a friend on her registry, any tips on how I could get a coupon for it?
HI Kim- tysm – glad you enjoy the site. re your ?. You can ask ahead of time- or you can just hand the coupon over at the register and see if they will accept it. hth
How can I figure out if my Target allows a MQ on a free item?
DEAL IDEA: Buy 3 Tone Body Wash 18 oz PSA $2.99 = $8.97
-$2.99 (one will be FREE with deal thru 6/14
-$2 (use two $1/1 Tone Body Wash 18 oz+ or Bath Bar 6-pack+)
= $3.98. ******If your store allows an MQ on the freebie,****** use 1 more
-$1/1 Tone Body Wash 18oz+ or Bath Bar 6-bar pack+
= $2.98 for 3 or .99 cents each after coupons and freebie
Thank you for all that you do… This site is amazing and helpful.
I have always loved Target but you guys make me love it more 🙂
Did the target gift card and coupon policy change? I was told that I can’t do both coupons and get the gift card when there is a gift card deal. I was told that I can either use the coupon to lower the amount or receive the gift card for that deal but that I couldn’t use coupons and then get the gift card as well. Was pretty bummed out since today was the first time I’ve heard of that at target.
I love getting Target mobile coupons, but am not sure how to see which ones I have used. Can you tell me how I refresh the page or whatever I need to do? Thanks!
Thanks a lot Kerry! I’m just new to couponing and I really find your site very helpful!
Hi Gena – yes- you could use 2 of printable & 1 of insert- you just cant use 3 insert or 3 printable if they have a limit of 2
Thanks a lot Kerry! One thing I am still confused with the “maximum of 2 identical coupons” limit. Does that mean I can use 2 internet printouts and 1 newspaper insert?
Hi Ryan- not true- you should be able to use three. there is nothing in the terms or conditions that prohibits the use of coupons on a gift card deal. hth
Is it true that when target offers a gift card u can only use on coupon with the offer. I bought the kids aqua fresh toothpaste which was buy 3 get a 5.00 gift card. I tried to use 3 coupons and was told because I was getting a gift card I couldn’t use my other coupons. I could only use one.
Hey Ashley- have you tried installing using firefox? I have windows 8 on my laptop and use FF to print TQs. If you’ve tried using FFto install- then try IE. hth
I was wondering if you could help me with a problem. I recently upgraded to windows 8 and I cannot get the Catalina coupon printer to install. Do you have any ideas on how I can fix this? troubleshooting just says it is not compatible.
Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
Hi Gena- as long as they do not say redeem “only” at Smith’s you should be able to redeem elsewhere, including Target. Ultimately it’s a ymmv- but most stores will accept. hth
Hi! Smiths mailed me some coupons with Smiths logo at the bottom but says manufacturer coupon. I was wondering if you know if I can use it at Target. Thanks alot.
HI Kristin- no you can only use a moble coupon once. hth
Can I use the $5 off beauty coupon more than once from my phone?
Kerry, I have a question in regards to these purchase off specific dept. total qs ex. $50 off baby dept purchase. Its no clear on Target’s coupon policy, but would i be allowed to use a purchase $ off target q, plus target q for specific items plus mq?
I was wondering if anyone knew the typical cycle for sales on baby furniture. Need to buy nursery furniture, but don’t want to jump the gun if Target has a “known” cycle for good sales. Thanks for any input!
Becca – yes! Just check the ones you want and then go to the bottom of the post and click on print my list – hth!
Hey Beth, https://www.totallytarget.com/2013/05/09/cartwheel-a-new-way-to-save-even-more-at-target/. Kerry does a great job of explaining how it works – also, if you go into your cartwheel and click on the badges that are gray, they will tell you how to unlock that badge. hth!
Hi, just wondering what the little boxes are that can be checked on your site as you list the deals for the week. How does that work? can a list be made by somehow checking the deals I want to do? Thank you Rebecca
Hi, I am newbie to couponing. reading the faq page has helped me a lot so far. I was wondering if anyone could explain how the badges work on cartwheel. how do you get them to unlock ?? isn’t there a way to share with your friends ??
thanks in advance for any help :))
HI Maria- you cannot price match & get the gift card. hth
HI GIng- Target allows up to 4 identical coupons in a shopping trip unless they say otherwise. All insert coupons have the same bar code.
HI beverly- yes you can get more than one GC and they come up separately- so for example- you buy 6 starbucks- after the 1st 3 go over the belt- the register will stop the cashier and prompt them to hand you a $5 GC. then the next 3 will gover the belt and once again the register will stop and prompt the cashier to hand you a second $5 GC and so on. you are awarded the GCs throughout the transaction as soon as the qualifying items have been scanned. hth & makes sense
Hi Carol- cartwheel is scanned last but it is calculated AFTER TQs and BEFORE Mqs. It doesn’t matter when they decide to scan it- the calculation stays the same. it always calculates the % after TQ & before MQ. hth
My Target has told me that I have to scan my cartwheel LAST, after all Manufacturer and Target coupons. This is different than what you say above. I have looked for this information in Target’s online coupon policy so that I can print it out and take it to the store with me to show the associate. Can you help point me in the right direction? When Cartwheel is used last, I’m barely saving anything!
This will be my first Target shopping trip but am very familar with couponing but I wanted to ask…you say “If you do more than one Gift Card Deal in a transaction you WILL receive both Gift Cards” Does that mean if you do “x” deal and “Y” deal, you will get both cards or does it mean if you do 2 of “x” deals I’ll get both cards. For instance, one of the deals right now is a $5 GC WYB 3 Starbucks Kcups. If I bought 6 boxes, would I get a $10 GC? (Or 2 $5 GC?)
I bought two Sunday papers for the inserts. However, I noticed that the inserts in both papers have the same barcode! Do you know if WA Target stores will allow me to use these coupons each on individual items in the same transaction?
Hi Claudia – no PM on a GC offer. hth
Hi my question is if i price match and item that is part of the gift card deal can i do both??
Pantene shampoo priced match to online price
part of but 3 get a $5 gift card
Hi Sarah- the mobiles only apply to one item- so if you are only buying one- use the barcode for the value you want 1st
if you buy 2 items it will take off one from each set.
I am thinking you are talking about Wheat Thins coupons
so if I am right & you buy 2 boxes of wheat thins
and use both mobile bar codes- it will take a total of $1.75 off both- hth & makes sense.
Say I have two Target mobile coupons each with discounts on products I want; however, they both have the same product listed but for different discounts, one has $1/1 of the item the other has $.75/1 for the same item. Does it automatically use the higher value one? Does it matter the order I have the mobile coupons scanned? Can I buy two of the product and use both discounts? For example this week both SPRING and THANKS have wheat thins but they are different values. How does that exactly work when you scan the code? Hope my question makes sense!! Thanks
I am new to price matching at Target. I would like to price match 3 Tides (from CVS) using coupons. My question is will I still be eligible for the gift card that are advertised in the Target ad if I price match? I read the policy and that particular question doesn’t seem fully addressed. Thanks!
as many as you want Kris
HI Lisa- unfortunately it won’t keep track of your tansactions like that- you could try bringing your receipt up to GS with another box and explain the situation and perhaps they would do something for you. hth
New to doing gift card deals. Can the purchases be split over multiple transactions or does it have to be in same transaction? I purchased 2 Playtex Sport boxes yesterday and thought it was buy 2 get $5gc but was informed by cashier that it was purchase 3 for $5gc. Just wondering if I go purchase a 3rd on a different trans, would it trigger the gc. Thanks so much for any insight.
How many gift cards can you pay with in a single transaction? Thanks!
Target seems to have multiple mobile coupons. I don’t always receive all texts. I was wondering if you could create a section with the key words to text to receive additional texts from target? Thanks so much for all toy do!
Hi, I have a question. I have a target red card and three coupons printed out. 15$ off 35$ purchase, 50% off laundry detergent, and 50% off paper item. Can I use them all together?
HI Linda- there is no new addition the the corporate policy that I see.
Hi, I was at my Target today and they would NOT take my “MANUFACTURES COUPON” Stated right across the TOP of Coupon, that I printed out, BECAUSE it had in small print….(redeemable at Walgreens) on it. I asked “Since When?” They said they changed the coupon policy about a month ago, if it has another stores name on it they will Not accept it. I totally understood when it read…”Redeem at ______ Only”
WELL, this is NEW to me! Is it just my cashier…(ahgrrrrrr!!) or it is a new thing now? HELP!!
HI Veronica- imo these are both threshold coupons and should not be used together. jmo
Hello I have a question: can 2 target coupons be use at the same time? I have a $20/$50 target coupon and a $5/$25 Clorox products can I use both in the same transaction?
HI Nancy- no only to one bottle and only one time. hth
In regards to the Target Mobile Coupons… like the current -1.25/1 Palmolive 25oz, if I purchased (4) bottles… Will the Target Mobile Coupon apply to all (4) items?
Hi Amanda- yes you can sign up at this link for e-mails
Is there a way to sign up for emails or blog updates to be sent through email? I see the feed option but didn’t know if that’s right. Thank you for all you do!
I had a question regarding the handing over of coupons to cashier. So in the past I have always given the cashier my coupons at the end and last week I paid at customer service and the lady said I had to give her the coupons as she scanned each item. She said that was in their policy. So this is how she had me do it….. she would scan candy bag and then have me give her the coupons i had for that item, she would scan coupons and then move on to scanning my next purchase. I hope this makes sense. Is there a certain order for example, cartwheel, then manf. coupons, then target printable or mobile. I would greatly appreciate your thoughts. Thanks
Completely makes sense. Thank you very much!
HI Beverly- there is no set limit for gift cards earned in a transaction- but any store does have the right to limit what you purchase. That being said- the limitations fall on the coupons themselvves. Target has a limit of four identical coupons per visit- unless otherwise stated- and in this instance unilver brands have a limit of 2 identical coupons per person. so as long as you mix and match your coupons and products you should be ok. hth & makes sense
Hi, I have a quick question. Is there a limit of 2,on each specific gift card deal? For Example I want to do the Unilever Gift Card Deal. I was going to purchase (6) of the Clear and (6) of the Simple Facial Wipes. In this example would I get 2 Gift Cards? or 4?
Thank you very much in Advance!
Hi RObin- usually 2.
How many times can you print the target coupons from their site. It only allowed me one before it said I had met my max.. i’m sure I have been able to pront before at least 3 times
Does Target offer a discount to either active or
Military veterans/ personnel
Is Target now accepting competitor’s catalina coupons? I used a Shoprite one today by mistake and the cashier took it. I don’t know if she took it by mistake or because it is allowed now.
Hi Teneya- unfortunately it is tricky for some people. I have not had an issue- but I can say that you may want to try completely deleting it first before you try reinstalling. You may also want to try using a different browser to print- so if you are trying thru IE try thru firefox & vice versa- hth & you get it worked out!
Hello I am SO excited to find your site, it is so helpful. I have a question about the catalina coupon printer. I have gone through the process of trying to download it about 7 times for 3 days straight. I even tried on two different computers. It will say its installed successful. Once I try to print it will just prompt me to repeat the whole process. Does anyone have any suggestions? I’m so excited to start printing but just cant get it to work 🙁
Thanks for any advice you can offer!
FYI, I did use the rebate check with coupons, and it was not a problem. The rebate check is handled at the end like a check, so it doesn’t affect coupon usage. That was awesome! 🙂
not true Kelly
Do you know if Target would allow me to use a coupon along with a rebate check? The rebate check was issued for Purina Dog Chow, and is treated as a check at the register. Any advice would be great. Thanks!
Word on the street is that Target is no longer accepting manu coupons….please say it isn’t so!
HI CHristina- against a sale item is a ymmv. usually the register will accept MQs- whether or not the cashier does or will is a ymmv. hth
Can you use a coupon on a free item? For example a buy 2 get 1 free sale, can I use 3 coupons or only 2?
HI Katie- you can use it in the very next transaction. The only thing you can’t do is use a gift card in the same transaction you earned it in. hth
If I purchase a giftcard product and get that card can I then immediately use it on another transaction or do I have to wait a certain amount of time?
HI Taira- yes you will 🙂
Hi Kerry-
I know you don’t get 5% off target gift cards or prepaid cards with your Target debit card, but do you know if you get 5% off if you buy the other gift cards such as Disny, itunes, or Olive Garden?
Hi Kerry,
Question about the gift deal where you buy some many products you get a $5 gift card. I noticed that I went and bought for example 3 products for $10 each and I was charged $35. I was given a $5 gift card and paid $35 dollars. Is this right??? If I do still want the three products but don’t want to pay for the card can I decline it so I don’t get charged?? Thanks for your time in advance.
Thanks Kerry! Appreciate ur help!
Hey Swats- yes you can roll like that- there is no interference- the GC is just like a form of payment. hth
I’m new to couponing and this is a great site! thanks for all the hard work u put in 🙂
i had a question, pls help me out. Can I use a target gift card to pay for stuff that gives me a gift card again. Like the fiber one cereal deal giving 5$ gift card..can i do that using a target gift card of 5$ that i have from a previous day transaction?
Thanks a ton!
I have a quick question: Is there a way to tell at the price checker if an item is included in a gift card deal? It’s not always easy to hunt down an employee to check for me, and I like knowing before I get to the register. Thanks!
i was wondering if there is a sale stating 2/$12. And i have a man. and a target coupon, that both say $1/1. can u i use 4 coupons?
2- $1/1 target coupons + 2- $1/1 man. coupons.
is this allowed?
Kerry-Do you know much about the return policy without a receipt? I wanted to know if you hit the $70 limit if that is based on calendar year or one year after the first return without a receipt?
HI Megan- you can get 2 gift cards in one transaction. hth
I have a question… Sorry if you have answered it already!
Can you get more than just 2 gift card deals in one transaction? I want to get the 5$ gift card on 4 of the gillette fusion razors, and another 4 on the venus razors with the 3.00 off coupons that I have… Can I do that or do I need to separate these into several different transactions?
I ran into this problem today… I go to Target about once every other week for deals! Made a $50.00 list (for $107.00 worth of stuff no less) then was told by a cashier that NONE of my internet printable coupons would be accepted. I told her to grab a manager and she walked a few lanes down and a group of people stared at my coupons for about 5 minutes… When she and the cashier came back the manager tossed 5 of my coupons ($5.15 off 1 purina cat food bag and $1.50 off 24 cans fancy feast) back at me and told me that they would take the rest except these… I told her I was confused as I went two weeks ago and used them… The fancy feast one even came from THEIR WEBSITE. She said they changed their policy. I pulled the policy up on my phone and read it to them and they still told me no! I have already sent an e-mail to their corporate office (waiting for a response)– I have never had an issue here before and I find it hard to believe that they would want to turn away money. I was embarrassed- and told them to take the dry cat food off my order as I did not want to pay full price for them- that is why we coupon… I’m hoping that a nice response from Target will come from the rather long e-mail I just sent them…
Can you price match a Safeway in ad coupon at target?
Yes Laura you will 🙂
I have a question about the ” If you do more than one Gift Card Deal in a transaction you WILL receive both Gift Cards. ” does this mean like the Nexxus deal. I have 2-$5.00 coupons that I will use for the buy 2 get a gift card and also 2-$4.00 coupons to use. If I buy 4 of these products in the same transaction, will I get 2 of the $5.00 gift cards?
Can anyone tell me if you can receive the Target mobile coupons on an Android tablet? Or just cell phones?
In search of a toy for Christmas…no Target stores around me have it in stock and I can’t order online. Would Target be willing to ship from one store to another? I want to be able to use coupons and gift cards I have….so I hate to go elsewhere.
Hi kerry- just quick question I tried to price match blu ray/dvd Planes this morning ang guest service told me I had to have the walmart ad stating the price but walmart doesn’t have an ad that I know of, and their online price is high. What can i do? TIA
Does it matter what order you present your MQ, TQ, mobile TQ, Cartwheel to the cashier? Thanks!
For the cartwheel deals, I notice that you don’t subtract paper coupons first. I read on the bottom of the printed cartwheel, % savings is taken AFTER all paper coupons are deducted.
Gevalia Café Cups 30% off, in your senerio you took the 30% off the 10.99 price, but it should be taken off AFTER the coupons are deducted.
at my store, they are sticklers for waiting on Cartwheel until AFTER all coupons are scanned, including phone coupons.
Just checking on this. You can reply to my email address as I probably won’t see it here.
Does anyone know if Target will price match AND do the manufacturers coupons and cartwheel coupons?
HI EJ- yes ocasionally they come out with a few high ones but they are few and far between and WOOHOO on winning the HGTV contest! That’s awesome- congrats and thanks for the mention too! 🙂
Hi Kerry,
I noticed the info on Cartwheel says up to 30%. I remember a 50% off for bakery items a month or so ago and some others in that range.
Actually stopped by to say I won a $50 Target card from HGTV and gave your weekly contest a mention:
Hi Amanda- it’s one Target coupon per item- so imo you would need to spend $60 on the items speciified within each coupon to use all 3. hth!
Hi Kerry!
Not sure if anyone has asked this yet and hopefully I won’t ask in a too confusing way. I’m planning my shopping trip to purchase some clothing. I have a $5 off $25 Women’s apparel purchase (Xhilaration, Mossimo, Mossimo Supply Co.), a $5 off $20 Women’s apparel purchase, and a Target Mobile coupon for $3 off $15 Women’s apparel purchase. I know their policy is that your items have to match the description on the coupon and that if you are using more than one category/department coupon you have to meet minimum requirements for each coupon individually. It also states that you can only use one Target coupon per item. So, I’m wondering if you might know if I could use all three of those (I plan on spending at least $30 on the clothing), since it almost seems to contradict itself. Thanks and sorry for the lengthy question!
Targets couponing website must of changed their format. When you right click the photo and look at properties, they are all the same. So how do you now figure out which are Target q’s and which are Manu q’s? (other than the wording)
Hi Jessie- the printable TQ states 1 coupon or offer per guest- so my deal ideas always follow the terms stated on the coupons. hth
On the Aveeno Lotion Deal, you only list the deal scenario as using one Target Q, Could you use three Target Q to make it a better deal? Thanks in advance (newbie)
I received a message that the other day that Target was no longer doing the Daily Deals. Does anyone know if they are going to continue sending out the Target mobile coupons via text? Thanks!
HI Anna- there is no limit as far as I know- but each mobile coupon offer can only be applied once.
Hi Johanna- yes you may use coupons on gift card deals.
if Target is having a gift card deal, can I also use coupons? Like if they have a buy two items of a product and get a $5 gift card. Can I also use the Target printable coupon? so, I would save with the coupon, plus get the $5 gift card?
Do you know how many Target MOBILE coupons you can use in a single transaction? Not all of mine are coming off, and I contacted customer service and got conflicting answers. One person said that you can only use 4 mobile coupons in a single transaction, but I couldn’t find this anywhere on their website, and the other customer service rep said something completely different.
Hi Bella- these are both target store coupons so you cannot stack them together- however you can stack one of the target coupons with a manufacturer’s coupon. you can find matchups listed on the Target COupon Page of my site. hth
Hi, thanks for this basic guide on couponing at Target. There is a $1 off Loreal Paris Ever hair care item labelled Target Coupon on Red Plum 10/13. and Target Web coupon has $1 off Loreal Paries Ever hair care item. Does this means that both coupon are redeemable only at Target? Can I stack this coupons and get $2/1 ? Thanks for answering,
I was wondering in giveaways it says post a comment where do you post that comment?
Thanks Tina
What is PSA?
Do I have to be a Redcard holder to receive free $ gift cards?
Hi Candra- yes unless a coupon states otherwise in the terms. h=for example- all unilever coupons limit you to 2 per transaction. if there are no limits stated on the coupon you can use up to . hth!
I have a question on this target policy regarding coupons
Limit of 4 identical coupons per household, per day (unless otherwise noted on coupon).
So can I essentially use 4 of the same target coupon, on one item?
I love shopping at target and would like to win the target coupon booklet. thanks Debbie
I just got an android tablet (Nexus 2) but only have a simple “dumb” cell phone. Is there a way I can get Target mobile coupons on my tablet?
Passbook is on your iPhone, should be on the 1st page. I find its helpful to keep all the Target mobile coupons in the same place
So target mobile coupons can only be used once period?? I’ve been waiting for mines to reset or something but its been about 2 months
The neat nix basket looks like something I would use for my hair products.
The neat nix basket looks very useful.
when I get my Target mobile coupons on my phone – it says add to passbook – where is the passbook – where are my coupons going and where can is this mysterious passbook I can retrieve them from?
Kerry, have you changed your email format? The last two days your email updates are different. I prefer the ones that give me the links and deal ideas rather than having to click through to your page. Thanks…
Yes Paige Mott’s is still 1.99 at my target.
i was wondering is the motts apple juice still 1.99 at target, can someone tell me!!
where can i get the catalina coupons? i searched for it but it always led me to some other website?
I have a question I just downloaded target mobile app and signed up for mobile coupons , i want to know do all the printable Target coupons are available on mobile too as mobile coupons as i can see only few of them on mobile?
Unable to load new Catalina printer that is required to print coupons. very upset about this. Have tried on multiple computers by multiple people. What’s up with this? Would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks!
I was told today that some cashiers will not accept two Target coupons in one transaction – for separate items. (This was when I bought two pairs of flip-flops and used the two $2 off sandal TQs). Have you heard of this?
I attempted to print about 12 coupons last week the process was taking so long I gave up. The next day I noticed 1 page had printed with 3 coupons. I attempted to print the remaining coupons but that are all marked “coupon already printed”. Is there a way to fix this. Also why is the expiration date not provided before you print?
Does Kerry answer questions on this page? I left a question on March 14th and did not get a reply…unless I am looking in the wrong place. Someone please advise.
Hi Kerry – In regards to the Biotene gift card deal that you posted, I noticed on the Biotene.com site that there are 2 coupons – one for $2.50 off of 2 and another for $1.00 off of 1. I was able to print both of them 2x
Hi Kerry, I’m a big fan of the site and have been viewing for about 2+ years. I have a question, I have the bounce coupons to stack in order to get the sheets for free but all of the Target stores in my area are out? Is there another way to use these coupons to get the bounce fabric sheets for free? Please advise and Thanks for all you do!
Hi Allison- if it was a Target coupon- then you will not get that coupon value back since store coupons are not reimbursed to the store. If it was a manufacturer’s coupon then yes you are supposed to get the coupon value back because Target will be reimbursed that coupon value. hth
Hi Kerry, I need your help please or anyone that knows. How does returning a product at Target work if I bought the item with a coupon? I recently returned an item but only got back the amount that was taken off after the coupon. I figured I would have gotten back the amount of the coupon also, since Target would be getting reimbursed for the coupon. Am I right? Please help, thanks so much.
Is anyone else having difficulties downloading the new coupon savings printer exe? It keeps saying my security settings won’t let me download it. I have read their recommendations to try to change my settings and it still won’t let me download the new upgraded version. Anyone have any recommendations?
Hey Monica- target printables have actually always said some sort of version of that statement. YOu may just not have noticed. That is why you see me only use scenarios with 1 target coupon. Re policy- the policy actually states limit of 4 unless otherwise stated. so if your coupons dont have a limit oyou can use up to 4, but if they do- the wording on the coupon trumps policy. hth
So I know in previous trips to Target, I’ve used my Target coupons for 2 of the same (like 2 body washes). But when getting ready for this Target trip, I noticed they say “limit 1 coupon per guest”. Are they not supposed to be accepting the extra coupon then? Or are they following the “up to 4 identical coupons” that’s stated in their policy? Maybe this is a silly question, but I feel confused.
Hey Debra a coupon is good up til the end of the day that it expires on. So if your coupon expires March 8th, then you have thru 11:59 pm on March 8th to use that coupon. hth. PS not silly ? at all imo 🙂
I have a seemingly silly question. if a coupon says it expires on, say, March 8th…does that mean it can be used on the 8th or only thru the 7th? I have adjusted my shopping days in the past to be sure I can use my coupon. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Hey Sara- no it means you can only use one of that particular coupon. hth
Hello 🙂 i’m not sure if this is where I would ask a question or not but here it goes. I’m new to couponing and printed some target coupons out. one says “limit one coupon or offer per guest” does that mean I can’t join it with a manufacturer coupon?
Do all clearance items drop down to 70% off? I know toys and clothes do, but what about baby items and cleaning supplies?
Do all the printable Target coupons show up as mobile coupons? I am unable to print the target coupons and I installed the target app and signed up for mobile coupons but only a handful showed up. I need the other ones too. Any ideas?
HI Kerry-
Question, do you know Target’s policy when you forget coupons? In the past, I’ve been able to go back up to (within a few days or so) with my receipt and the coupons I forgot, and they give me cash for the amount of coupons. I tried this the other day and was told I have to return within 24hrs of the original transaction.
Aso, I haven’t been able to find clarification on the mobile coupons. They are NOT the same coupons as the printable coupons, correct? Target makes it seem like they are (instead of printing just bring your phone), but only 4 items come up on my phone which made me think they are not all the same coupons.
Thank you for your hard work!
yw! 🙂
oh my goodness! that’s awesome! thank you so much!
Hey Leah- no they won’t do another store- only target.com & Ive already checked for you and it is not sold online (that particular product). However-Target stores will also price match certain online competitors including amazon. The price can fluctuate rather quickly- but right now amazon has same pack listed for $39.97 – so not too bad- only $2.xx more than the PC- heres the link to the product on amazon
if you aren’t familiar with PMing at Target- can see my post here..
hth & good luck!!
Thanks! Do you know if they would ever price match another Target store?
well that’s good you scanned bad full price but I will cross my fingers for you! I hope you find it at the other store!
Thanks for responding so quickly! Yes, I scanned it. I’ve learned to scan everything at Target, I’ve often been pleasantly surprised 🙂 I plan to check another one tomorrow.
Hey Leah- Thanks! I am in Tampa Florida. Sometimes PCs can vary by region yes most seem to be nationwide- althogh sometimes price cut prices & regular prices can vary too. But I am cusrious if you or the associate scanned to be sure? Althogh it is possible your area is not participating- sometimes it can just be a missing sign. hth!
Hi there, Just started looking at your site and love it. Was just wondering what area you’re in. I’m in the San Diego area and went to 2 different Targets today, but they did not have the price cut for the Rogaine you have posted. From what the salesperson said, it sounds like the price cuts are a YMMV type of thing. Thanks in advance!
kerry @ totally target .com (spaces removed)
What is your email? I would like to send ou a picture of my finds for today!! Please respond. Thanks!! Skylar
Kerry, i was wondering if it was possible (and if so, how) to use a target gift card on target MOBILE. This is the extension of target centered around cell phones.
Over the past couple of months only part of my target coupons print an expiration date. This will happen on the same page too (2 coupons print with expiration date and 1 will not.) Anyone else have this issue and know a fix for it? I have a MAC and thought that it might be an issue even though I have updated everything. Frustrating when you have a great coupon and need to throw it out because they won’t take them.
I was at Target the other day and was wondering if anyone else had a similar situation with target lately.
I went into target i had 2 $3/2 right guard body wash mfr coupons and 4 $1.50/1 right guard body wash target coupons. The lady at the register said “sorry we can only accept 4 coupons in one transaction for the same product” Then i said “but their not the same coupons 4 are target and 2 are manufacture they’re different im not exceeding my 4 coupon limit” so she called the manager over. manager says “actually you can use any of these coupons they are all counterfeit” I THOUGHT MY HEAD WAS GOING TO EXPLODE, THESE WERE NOT COUNTERFEIT! so i asked “why do you think these are counterfeit?!” she said “because coupons are like money the barcodes are all different and all of these barcodes are the same” so i said “the barcodes are supposed to be the same, its the QR codes that are different (which they were) and i pointed them out to her (except target coupons do not have QR codes)” she proceeded to call me a fraud and told me to leave. I believed this was completely uncalled for. I was only buying 4 items LEGALLY i am a good person. I called managment right when i got home and he didnt seem to care at all; he (word for word) said “well, what do you want me to do about it”. I will NEVER NEVER NEVER shop at target again. Being treated like a criminal for using a coupon is UN CALLED FOR.
I posted this on the A Look at Target’s Low Price Promise page, but it doesn’t appear you may have seen it over there, so thought I’d bring my question over here instead. Thanks!
Went to one of my local Target’s a few days ago to price match the sale that HT was running on Capri Sun, plus I had a Target Q for the item as well (which still would have made it more expensive than the HT sale price.) Anyway, CS at this particular store said they weren’t allowed to price match an item from a store that you had to use a “rewards” card to get that sale price. I didn’t know any better, so thanked her and went on my way. Went I got home, I looked up their policy, and the exclusion actually refers to “Paid membership club or paid loyalty programs (e.g. prices that require a club or loyalty card that is associated with a membership fee,)” like BJs or Sams, I’m assuming – we don’t pay for our rewards cards at HT, FL, Kroger, etc.
I printed out their policy and went to a different Target to see what would happen, policy in hand, but this time CS honored it (plus their Target Q) no problem. Their policy doesn’t appear to include exclusions for places like HT, FL, Kroger, etc. in respect to free loyalty/rewards cards, so not sure where that came from.
Kerry, have you run into this yet?
Hi Jenny- IE just means internet explorer- and it’s a suggestion that perhaps they may only print in IE for you. hth
Hi, I’m a big fan of the site. It’s been really helpful to me since I’m a new couponer. I have a question, which is probably something obvious, but I’m not sure what. I was looking for Starbucks k-cup coupons in the data base and found some that have (IE) on them. What does that mean? I printed one and it just looks like a regular coupon to me, but I want to make sure I’m not missing something. Thanks for all you do!
Hey Jillian- to me wording ALWAYS trumps picture – ie they cannot possibly provide pictures of all different products in some brand families- so you follow the wording on the coupon. if there is no type, size, weight, specifics etc- it shoul dbe valid for ANY Purina Tidy Cats Litter. hth
I had a question about the Target coupons. If the coupon says “$2 off Tidy Cats Litter”, with a picture of a jug of tiday cats litter, does the coupon have to be used on the jug, or on any tidy cats litter product? The coupon doesn’t say a specific size, just the picture.
Please help and thank you!
Anybody Reporting getting TEXT messages to their phone stating their entry from last month has WON and to go to TargetWinner.com and enter a winning code? My internet search on this shows that it appears to be a scam. I don’t know if this is something you might want to alert your followers about? Just thought I’d pass it on as I received one of these text messages about 15 mins ago.
i also noticed that some target coupons are not printing their expiration dates. cashiers won’t take them either.
i think this is a glitch on targets end. hopefully they will realize it and fix it.
I was wondering if anyone else was having the problem of printing off target coupons and there not being an expiration date? Also my coupons never want to print! 🙁
I don’t know where to post this. I was at Target today. Men’s Degree Dry Protection Deodorant (2 pack) was on sale for $3.80 (only the sport scent). It had a 1$ off peelie on the 2 pack making the each $1.40.
Hey guys- I am trying to verify whether DiGiorno are gone- but it’s not letting me change the zip at the moment. I’ll keep trying and update the post
The Digornio coupons don’t work and I tried all of them…can you help? You click on the link and it doesn’t bring you to the coupon.
Last night I was at Target and was told by the cashier that every Target coupon states “Limit one coupon or offer per guest”….so I wasn’t able to get two of the same item using Target coupons. From all of the coupons I printed out from Target…it does seem to say that it is ‘one coupon or offer per guest.’ But the coupon policy states there is a limit of 4 identical coupons per household, per day unless otherwise noted on the coupon. Can you help explain this since this sounds confusing….
I don’t know if this is the right place to leave a comment about the Rfizer rebate form, but I am hoping it is. I acutally had the form, purchased the products and was going to fill it out and mail in, but I can’t find it anywhere. Since finding this sight, it has literally changed my life. I am spending more time researching and working on saving $$. I have one kid in college and another will be there next year. Your sight has helped me so much, I can’t even tell you. Again, I hope this is the correct place for the comment. If not, can you tell me where I might get a copy of the rebate form?
I would like to know how to get on the target home mailer list. Does anyone know how?
How do you get on Targets mailing list to get coupons mailed to your home. Like Back to School booklets etc…
Hey Kerry, my name is Melissa..I have been a huge fan of your site for almost 2 years now. I am unsure how to contact you other than here. I have 2 YouTube channels, a beauty one (30plussome) and I have recently started a household channel (30plussomemore). I just finished my first video on “how to coupon”. I am doing a series for the household channel. I am writing to ask your permission to show your site on one of my videos so that I may walk my viewers through how to read the match-ups. I would not dare do this without your permission. I just want to teach them what you have taught me….and send them your way. If not, I will respect that decision. Thank you for your consideration. Melissa Pinkelton mnv645@yahoo.com
No – the wording on coupons is what they should be going by. Frustrating I am sure- esppecially with the manager basically agreeing. 🙁
I noticed on the Target coupons that I printed from the Target website states ” limit one coupon or offer per guest”. I was able to print more than one…. am I able to use them in one transaction or will they allow me to do more than one transaction.
I tried using a Target web coupon for $1 off “L’Oreal cosmetic item.” The picture on the coupon showed a bottle of foundation and a mascara. I wanted to use the coupon for a L’Oreal pressed powder that was in a compact. The cashier would not accept it as it was not in the picture. She then called a manager (?) who told me the coupon was only for what was pictured.
I stressed it said, “L’Oreal cosmetic item” and that pressed powder was indeed a cosmetic item.
The manager(?) told the cashier to “just accept it this once,” then turned to me and said, “Starting next month you won’t be able to do this anymore.”
Do you know what she was talking about? Do the purchases have to match the pictures exactly?
I just purchased the Keurig 2 days ago.Tomorrow it will be offered with a $25.00 gift card. If I take in my receipt, will Target offer me the gift card? I know that many times they will honor a sale price if item is purchased within the last 7 days, but not sure if that applies to gift card offers
I recently bought a swimsuit that was a daily deal. I need to exchange it for a different size. Is there any way of doing this if it’s an item that is not carried in stores?
Can I use black and white target coupons ???I ran out of color ink and I want to print my coupons before they’re gone???Help
I am not able to print the target coupons from the printer due to something on my computer blocking the site… but I signed up for the coupons to be texted to me.. anybody use it does it work the same?
Do you load it like the Kroger Card?
Just curious, where are you located? It seems the prices at your Target are often much lower than mine.
I am wondering about the coupons that are printed off the Target website. The coupons all state ” Limit one offer per guest.” Even though I can print 2 can I only use 1 per visit? So confused! Thank you.
@Krista- I have gotten that at my store, then I will go back again and another person does not request that. It is a pain, one time it took the person like 20 mins to check me out because of having to match the coupon to the items and on top of that she was on the phone with someone, it freaked me out, started thinking do they think I am doing something wrong. I went back in and asked and she told me no, that AP(Assets Protection) told them they have to do it this way. I still have it happen here and there but not all the time.
Thank you soooo much!!!! This is so helpful to me as I’m new at this and know nothing!!!! 🙂
When I went to Target today, the cashier said their new policy was that each coupon needs to be presented with the item it is being used on. It was a bit of pain trying to match the coupons with the items on the belt, and caused quite a back up. Has anyone else experienced this? If it is just my store (Bellingham, WA), I will drive another 25 miles to the next store. Already drive 25 miles, what is another 25?
I don’t shop Target, too far to travel. But recently I made a list with all my coupons to match the Target printables online. I took my time to match all items together. Well, the cashier was so confused and made me feel terrible holding up a line, etc. After I was done, I had the hardest time reading and understanding the receipt. I later was told by the front manger Target only accepts one coupon, either theirs or the manufactured. It was pointless to argue, so I left defeated. Ex: got 2 milo w/mq and tq. wouldn’t accept mq, jello b3g1free, only used the mq and not the tq. What gives here? I am so hating Target but always read of everyone’s super deals!
I See comments about a target coupon mailer, is there a place to sign up for this?
@Alicia I am on the West Coast of FL outside Tampa- Kelley is outside Baltimore MD- but readers from all over the country submit clearance finds- they don’t always tell me where they are from. hth
I wanted to know what state you are located? Just wondering for clearance items etc. I love Target and also your site! Thanks so much for all the information that you provide!
this is regarding the http://www.target.com/survey. i shopped there on 1/11/12 and attempted to answer the survey today, but unable to access it,
I just noticed that the fine print on some of the Target coupons read, “Limit one coupon or offer per guest.” or “Limit one coupon per transaction.”. Is this a new policy? I’ve been in some stores that allow four “like” coupons per transaction. Should we go by what the coupon says or what the store allows? All this is very confusing, and I just want to do the right thing about it.
Betsy, you can’t stack 2 Manufacturer coupons.. if you look at the Target Coupon page on Totally Target you will see how Kerry has them all listed out : ). hope this helps!
Why do some of the coupons from the target coupon website say manufacturer coupon? Can i still use it with another manufacturer coupon?
I went to Target today and used the $1/1 oral-B floss coupon on floss that was .97. I had no problem with my cashier except she didn’t know how to mark down the price of the coupon to match the price of the floss so her manager showed her how. My mom was with me and was trying to do the same thing at another register but the guy said he couldn’t use the coupon since it was more than the price of the floss. My mom then went through a different line and that cashier had no problem doing it. My mom decided to go back to the guy and try it with one more coupon but he wouldn’t budge. She asked him to get the manager and she told him he could do it but then he said their policy changed while she was on vacation. I came home and looked at their policy online and it says that they can mark down the coupon price to match the price of the item. It seems other people are having the same problem. Doesn’t every store have to follow the policy that is on their website? I am confused as to how he was aware of the so-called policy change but the other cashiers were not and let us get the floss for free. I think this is poor management skills on Target’s part. I was able to get 10 free floss and have one coupon left to try. I hesitate to try it though because others have said they printed off the policy and showed it to cashiers and they just ignore it. At least now I know who’s line to avoid if I want anything free!
If there is a gift card deal offered in the ad on an item will they honor that deal online too?
my redplum coupons dont print. how do you update java? the site did not ask for me to update.
Do you know if there is a way to print out coupons from the target website using an iPad? I do have an eprint printer. I have tried everything, however no luck. I even called target’s web tec and that individual was clueless. Thanks.
I don’t know if this is part of the Target coupon policy. Today I tried using my print out Target coupon for a clearance item and the cashier at Target told me I couldn’t use the coupon since my item is a clearance item. Is that true?
Not sure where to put this but I went to Target last night and they have lots of Tyson Anytizer wings, Chicken patties, chicken nuggets ect. marked down to 1.99. I came home and found 1.00 off anytizer wing coupons and .75 chicken strips. (I think the strips were 2.99) still a good deal after coupn. Also Jimmy dean cooked sausage links and patties are a 1.00 and there is a printable .75 off coupon. Great deal. I couldnt believe all the mark downs. Tyson meals are 1.99 too and even biggest loser dinners (some of them) 1.99.
Got a coupon for a $10 target gift card with any transferred prescription in the mail on Saturday. I just signed up for the target check card and a few days after the card came in the mail, I got the coupon! Since my prescriptions are on the $4 generic list, I will make $6! WHOOHOO!
Can we use coupons on gift sets?
Are you allowed to use a manufacturer’s coupon that was printed at walgreens and has their logo at Target? Thanks!
@Ann – Things thatt are not covered in the policy are left to the stores discretion. Target does reserve the right to set limits and states so in their ad- since the policy does not mention limits- it is up to each store to set the limit as they see fit. More and more stores are setting limits like these to prevent a bare shelf. hth
I went to Target today to buy some Hungry Jack pancake mixes ($0.99). I had about 5 to 8 of each of the three flavors. The cashier began checking me out and the front end supervisor comes along and explains, quite rudely and in a demeaning tone, that I can only buy 4 of each item. Feeling uncomfortable, I didn’t argue the issue, and let them return the extra amount. She stated that the coupon policy changed in September to reflect a family quantity amount. Now, I had the coupon policy with me, that I had printed out on November 17th and it makes no mention of this at all. I guess I’m having two issues: the first being her demeaning attitude (even the cashier apologized to me), and the other being this phantom coupon policy she was mentioning. Should I have pointed out that I had a copy of the policy with me (and risk further embarrassment)? Or was she right, and each Target store has their own policy regarding coupons? This is the first time I’ve ever run into this issue at a Target store. I know that I will not be returning to her store, ever. I will just travel to a different location (where I had no problem buying the pancake mixes previously). I hope you can clarify for me.
Yesterday I checked the clearance in the baby section and found Banana Boat Kids 50+ marked down to $1.86. I still had my coupon for $4/1 Banana Boat item exp 11/20, it made the sunscreen free, plus Target’s computer didn’t change the value of my coupon, it took the whole $4.00 off times 2 since I had 2 coupons.
Also, they had 1 load (.97) and 6 load (2.99) tide in the travel section. The coupons from this months P&G dont exclude trial sizes, and again, the register didn’t change the value of my coupon, so using the $2.00/1 coupon on the 1 load made it free plus overage.
@Cindy- no you can’t PM after a register reward unfortunately
This will be my first Christmas season shopping with coupons. Will Target web coupons be honored on Black Friday?
I loved this post and thought it would be good to post it here too
I like to know if Target would price match Walgreen price after Register Reward?
I am planning a trip to my Target on this Friday. I want to buy some Up & Up products ie the ibuprofen. Can I buy two in the same transaction with two Target coupons? I know this is ok with MQ’s but not sure if that works with target web coupons.
I have a question. How many times can you print out coupons from target.com and or coupons.com.
Like could i print 3 out for phila creme cooking cheese and buy 3 in one transaction? Thanks so much!!!
My target now carries fresh groceries and b/c of this they sent me target coupons $off meat/apples/salad. Last time I shopped @target I received a $3 off $25 or more on grocery purchases. Can I combine these together? If I can combine these will the $3 off $25 have to be after coupons? or before coupons? Thanks!
@Mom of 3
Per the Target policy ‘If a Manufacturer BOGO coupon is used, one additional Target coupon may be used on the first item’ If you search for “Can’t Find the Target Coupon policy” on Totally Target, the post will direct you to the Target coupon policy. I would read it, learn it and lastly, always carry it with you. There are times we have to teach cs and cashiers what their policies are 🙂
My copy & paste isn’t working or I’d post the link for you. HTH
Hi Kerry,
I am new to couponing and love your site. But I am having problems leaving comments. I tried tonight in reply to your Curel giveaway. It states my comment is awaiting moderation. Why aren’t my comments going through?
I went to my supertarget today with one manufacturer coupon of buy one get one free and a Target coupon of $1 off. I was told they couldnt accept both it had to be one or the other. Is this policy?
I recently did a transaction for Q-tips and was told (checking out at customer service–long story) that I could not use my Target coupons for the product on a deal involving receiving a Target gift card in return. Is this true?
Not sure where to post this-couldn’t find an email address. I went to Target and got a blouse for $.74!! I used the $3/1 Target coupon!!! Thank you so much!! http://marniescouponarama.blogspot.com/2011/10/my-shopping-trip-this-week-total-289.html-to see the picture!! Thank you it is because of your site. I know you get tons of people writing, but because of your site I learned about using coupons at Target. I have told all my friends and they didn’t know you could do this. We appreciate the education!!!!!!
@Sarah- you can only use mobile coupons 1 time ever. unfortunately. hth
@Ethan’s Mom – Target reserves the right to limit quantities as they see fit. I hear many stores are limiting to 3 or 4 items now. hth
TYSM Nancy! I found it! 🙂
Have information on a $5 Target GiftCard in Real Simple Magazine November 2011 issue. How do I get it out to your readers? It is a Mail-in proof of purchase. Spend $15 or more on the featured products at target and get a $5 Target GiftCard by mail from Real Simple Magazine. I’m new to your website. Love target and shop there weekly. Love the insider info…..
@Lisa- no it’s any store where if you did not use your card you would not get the price- CVS, winn dixie etc all cannot be PMd unfortunately
I tried to price match today and they told me since it was a Dominicks ad and it said “Card Price” since you would need your dominicks card to get the price they wouldnt take it. I am so confused…I understood it as a club card like Sams Club or Costco.If anyone can clarify that would be great!
I went to Target tonight to buy bayer since tonight was the last night to get it at $2.99. Well I had a bad experience. I had put a total of 5 on the counter and the lady asked for my coupons. I gave her both the manu and Target, making it $3 in coupons and it being FREE. Well she had asked another employee if I can use these coupons, etc… long story short, the other lady said I was only able to purchase four(4). I kindly asked why and she said it’s 4 per household. I was already running late for an event, so I wasn’t having it. Nowhere on the coupon does it state limit 4, I also looked online into seeing if there is some kind of requirement to only buying 4 aspirin per household. I wanted to call the store and speak to a manager, but I wasn’t sure if the person who said I could only purchase 4 was a manager…. it all happened to quick, I had a fussy toddler, and was running late as I said. I tried to call the CS# but their closed @ this time. Considering you often go to Target, have you ever came across this? Thank you!
Another question regarding the mobile coupons. If I use one of the coupons in one transaction, will I be able to use the coupon again if I can back later in the week? It states each coupon can only be used once, but I’m confused by that. Has anyone had any experience using the mobile coupons more than once? Was it a success or failure?
@ Ande H- I had the exact same problem yesterday. The “manager” said you can only use one from the list, but she seemed to be making it up.
@Ande- the mobile coupons can only be used once per item- (ie if you bought 3 transformers the discount is only applied to one of them). But when mobiles are scanned it SHOULD take off the discount for one of all the items purchased. ie if you bought 1 regenerist, 1 transformers, and 1 m&Ms- the register should have automatically deducted the discount amount for all 3. but I am getting comments though that some of them are not working this time around 🙁
Question regarding Target Mobile coupons: Can you only use 1 from the list per transaction? I bought 3 items, items pictured exactly as on my phone, and the register would only take off the discount for 1 of the items. I spent 20 minutes at the service desk trying to get it worked out. I did not ever use any of the mobil coupons before, having just received them this morning. I tried to email Target on their website to get clarification, but the form was rejected saying “ask a valid question or comment” ..go figure. I am not familiar with these mobil coupons, and could not find where it said you can only use one of the offers. Just wondering if anyone else has had issues using these, or have tips for me. By the way, the service desk did not have answers either. I was able finally, after 20 minutes, to get them to give me the $6 credit for the coupons that did not ring in…but it was a real effort.
Does it matter how you stack your coupons? I mean, when we are handing over the coupons should I seperate the TQ from the MQ and hand over the MQ first then the TQ? I’ve been having trouble with coupons not be able to scan even though I clearly have the right product.
I was at Target today and when I checked out they refused to take my $1 off any size Cascade Complete coupon for a .97 Cents cascade package. When I asked why they stated the item has to match the picture on the coupon which was a 16 count package. I showed them it said any Cascade product with no size specification. I told them many coupons show more expensive flavors or sizes hoping you’ll buy the more expensive one.
The cashier called over the manager who stated it’s new for Target to take coupons only if they match the picture, not the wording. I asked her if this was going to be for all products as I didn’t want to waste shopping time at Target if the coupon picture isn’t going to match the flavor or size written on the coupon. I then asked her to explain the new policy so when I talked to corporate I had a better understanding of changes. She couldn’t tell me if this was just certain products or all products.
Any suggestions on how to handle this?
How do you receive Target mailers? ie: Baby Stuff Mailer?
Thanks for all that you do!
I was at target today and was told that they will not adjust down a MQ because they are not allowed to do so by the manufacturer. I had my TQ policy with me and argued politely that this is not what their Q policy states. They would not budge but they pushed them through all the while telling me they could not because they couldn’t give me the overage (which I wasn’t asking for in the first place). I am so confused I have never had this problem at Target before. And why did they push them through as they were telling me they couldn’t? Did I miss something? Am I right in assuming that they can in fact according to their own policy adjust down a coupon?
What about BOGO? I was at Target today and the Manager was…lets not a very n ice person. I had a BOGO on Old Spice BodyWash and Deoderant. I also had a $1.00 off any Old Spice. She embarrassed me in front of many people and said next time read the policy. GEEZ lady. Thanks 🙂 So…what is your view on this? Bogo is so confusing!
Hi – Is there a policy where Target does not price match another Target store. Yesterday I went to a Target and bought Axe shower gel clearanced for 2.50. I needed more and the store was out, so I checked another Target store. They had the exact same item for 5.00 ..twice the price. When I inquired about price match, they said they could not price match another Target store. Has anyone had any experience with this. Kelly, maybe you can help/advise with what I can do ..if anything at all?
@Mary LaB,
I shop for my parents and my grandmother, that’s why I used 10 of the same coupon. It was an item that all 3 of our households use. I’m a working mom, so I can’t do 8 transactions in a week at different stores. It was also an item that they had over 100 in stock. The Target near my home is very friendly and welcomes couponers. I make it my policy to never shelf clear, and to be respectful of others wanting deals. It wasn’t a printable coupon – it was from a newspaper insert. I had exchanged coupons with friends to get multiples, since among our 3 households we get 4 Sunday papers.
I rarely purchase more than 1 or 2 of any item, but when it is one that my entire family uses, I’m going to save us all the money.
Please don’t make assumptions about people’s intent and habits. One shopping trip doesn’t mean that it is representative of my typical habits.
Is there a way to email Target about store experiences? I tried the “contact us” link, but it say my comment/question was “invalid” and would not let me submit. Also, do you have a new link to the coupon policy? I can’t find it on the new site.
@Sue- if that cat said Manufacturer’s coupon on it- then you were right- you just needed to point out to her that catalina coupons can be a target coupon OR a manufacturer’s coupon and show her where it says manuf. coupon. You can always ask for a manager if the cashier is confused.
I went to Target this morning and purchased a package of Avent baby bottles. I gave the cashier a Target Q for $2 off and a CRT that says MANUFACTURER at the top for $3 off. She told me I could not do this since they are both Target Q’s. I thought the CRT was a manufacturer Q since it says it up top? She told me it was a Target Manufacturer Q? Was I wrong or right? Kind of new at this.
OMG!!! I’ve been couponing for 5 months now, and I have for the first time, run into the dreaded 1 per purchase vs 1 per transaction at Target. Mind you, this is a target I have been using multiple MQ’s at since I started couponing. They were willing to do multiple transactions I had 2 of one and 5 of another. I understand many stores don’t do multiple Target Q’s in the same transaction, but never MQ’s. I didn’t think that was part of their policy. Can someone clarify if Target considers Purchase and transaction as the same thing? I have NEVER run across this so far, and I don’t believe it’s part of their new policy as far as I can tell. I was so frustrated, I just told her to void the transaction and walked out. Sad thing was I had lots of non coupon items in the cart I wanted. 🙁
Hey Danielle- it’s there- sorry having acouple issues- it never left- but my navigation link at top of site was gone- it’s back now.
Does anyone know what happened to the Cheap deals or Cheap finds section? It was there as of last night and now today it’s not. ???
I bought a XBOX 360 4 GB, on 8/17 for $299 with a $50 gift card. Today (8/21) it is on sale for $199 with a $25 gift card. Do they give partial refunds for sale prices since I just bought it 5 days ago? I’m tempted to pack it up and buy it again.
I just noticed that the printable target coupons say “limit one coupon or offer per transaction”. Is this new? I looked in the coupon policy online and it doesn’t say anything about it..I am assuming they don’t want someone using a bunch of the same target coupons at once? But they why do they let you print two if you can’t use two?
This questions is in reference to Target’s ad 7/31/11. I understand if I purchase 4 P&G products, ie Pantene (shampoo/conditioner) I will receive a $5 gift card. If I use my coupon for 1 FREE bottle of Pantene, does that disqualify the purchase for the gift card? Thank you.
Do you know if target coupons are added weekly or at random? Thanks!
@Sarah- no it is not accurate. I bought 3 clearanced cleansers and got the gift card just fine. Unfortunately some team members tend to just pull out a reason for a gift card not prompting out of thin air- instead of trying to figure out what the problem is. Perhaps you had one product whose bar code just wasn’t plugged into the system. There could be a number of reasons, but clearance has nothing to do with it.
I tried last week’s L’Oreal gift card deal, but I picked items that were already on clearance. I didn’t get a gift card, and the manager on duty said you never get gift cards on clearance items. Is that accurate in your experience?
PS – LOVE this blog, thanks! 🙂
I had a catalina coupon that printed from Target that had Manufacturer Coupon by date at the top, and on the side above UPC bars states Redeem at Target.
Is this a Manufacturer Coupon that can be used anywhere, such as Walgreens, or a Target Store Coupon that should only be used at Target?
I had a Manager today at Walgreens that allowed it to go through this time, but wanted to call the Target Manager to make sure her Walgreens will be paid back for the coupon.
I am under the assumption that if the coupon states Manufacturer Coupon, any store that accepts Manufacturer Coupons should accept it whether it came from Target or not, or whether it states Redeem at Target on the side.
Hi Kerry! I’m not sure where to post this but I just wanted to let you know that I was at Target today and they had select Plum Organics baby food on clearance which made for a nice deal with the .25 off Plum Organics printable Target coupon.
I just went to Targets sample spot this morning, and they are giving samples of Huggies diapers. They usually send coupons with the samples. I am sure this one will go fast. Thanks Sarah
Now why would you even use 10 of the same coupon, that is outrageous. This is WHY target and other stores are changing their policies.
Where did you get 10 of the same coupon when you can only print 2 .
You should NEVER use more then 3 coupons at a time. O me this is uncalled for and you are one of the people that is making it harder for others to use coupons.
If you have to have 10 of the same item why not go to 2 different stores instead of causing issues where target and all the other stores are making their policies worse for us.
@Susan- Virginia at Mycoupon Hunter has now become subscription only. That is why you cant see the coupons. you must have asubscription first. You can view the subscription packages on her site though which start as low as $5. hth
@Jennifer- some stores are strict and will only allow 1 target coupon per transaction, others are a bit more lenient and will allow you to use more than 1
@Katie- yes you can stack- it means you cannot use more than one identical coupon in a transaction. hth
I also had a problem tonight with using multiple like coupons in a purchase. My cashier also spread out my Q stack and carefully read each one before even attempting to scan any. I tried to buy 2 Wet Ones 15ct packs with 2 $0.50/1 TQs but was told by the cashier that I could only use one of the two TQs for the same item per transaction. What was weird was that this same cashier then let me use two TQs to get the free Sharpies and three TQs to use on the Neutrogena gift card offer. When I got home and compared the Wet Ones TQ to my other TQs, I didn’t see any difference. Not really sure what happened there. I also tried to purchase 3 Pop Tarts 12ct boxes tonight using $1/3 TQ and $2/3 MQ — however, the cashier couldn’t get the MQ to scan and was unsuccessful in manually punching in the numbers under the barcode. Finally, she asked someone for help and that person said I couldn’t use the MQ (from the Kellogg’s website no less!) because it was missing a bar code on the lower left hand corner?? Can anyone help explain this?
@ Tia, I just got back from Target and they told me the same thing! I was only allowed to use one coupon per item (not 2 like coupons) PER DAY! just right now about 30 minutes ago!!! it was so frustrating!
This afternoon I went to Target; had my coupons matched up with Store & manufacturer.. Lady at checkout said I couldn’t use 2 like coupons in a purchase (ie.. I had 6 boxes of pop tarts.. (2)sTarget coupons for $1/3 and 2 mfg coupons $2/3. She did this also on another product I had. She said it was now Target policy. I said ok, lets’ ring them up seperately. Nope we cannont do that. Now I came home and went on their site and I don’t see any thing like what she said. I understand the new b1g1 but this wasn’t anything like that. I finally just paid for all the items as she did this after all was rang up and there was now 4 people behind me. I just have never seen a checkout lady take my stack; spread them out and match up if there are multiple target coupons and say. Nope cna’t use them. Has anyone else had this happen? thanks, Tia.
I printed some target web coupons and they say “Limit one coupon or offer per transaction.” Does this mean I can’t stack it with a manufacturer’s coupon? Thanks, Katie.
I’m kinda new to all of this and have a question about the Target store coupons. It states on the coupon Limit one coupon or offer per transaction. Does this mean that I can only use one Target coupon to purchase an item, pay for it and then do a separate transaction with another Target coupon and pay for it? Thanks!
I’m sure this has been covered, but am wondering if anyone can help me. I’m new to this and I am very confused about the wording on the Target Web Coupons. They all say “limit one coupon or offer per transaction”. I know the policy says that you can use 1 Target and 1 Mfr per item. Does this mean only 1 “like” Target Coupon, as in if I buy 2 up & up bottles of shampoo, I can only use one of the Target Coupons? Also I noticed that the wording is more user friendly on the Target Coupons from the Sunday paper. Thanks for any help!
I have been coming to this site for about 6 months and I love it. I can’t find the place to report news to the site. I signed up at My Coupon Hunter about 6 months ago and used her a couple of times. For the past month I have tried to order coupons and after I log in and click on any category, they are all blank. There are no coupons on the site anymore, does anyone know why? did she close down? and where do I go to report news such as this in the future? do I open a forum? but then maybe no one will read it and I wanted to tell the writer of Totally Target this because I noticed you still recommend her, and you need to check if she is closed first. Thanks, Susan
Today I went to Target and tried using 4 $1/1 any shout product, I was buying the 4 pack shout wipes. They are $0.97 at my store, I was told by one csm and the store manager that they could not and would not change the value of the coupon or the item. I showed the store manager the coupon policy right on the target website. He said he knew the policy but there was nothing he could do. What do you do in that case. I am so discouraged with target now. To make matters worse I have spent ten minutes trying to find out how to email them to ask what the heck and I can not find an email address. Does anyone have an email for this case? Thanks, Holly
Do you know how the savings at the bottom of the receipt is calculated? Is it sale savings? Sale savings + Target coupon savings? Does it include gift cards received as part of the gift card deals? I just want to know how much I saved total (sales, Target coupons, Manufacturer Coupons, and gift cards included) and I didn’t know what they’ve already calculated for me. Any idea?
There isn’t a Target close to my home, but there is one within 40 miles. On the rare occasion that I get to go there, I always try and snag some of the best deals for that week by stacking the TQ’s with MQ’s. Today I got on the website to print out some of the printable TQ’s, and got a message that said that I had printed all of the coupons that I was allowed. It wouldn’t let me print ANY of them. I think the last time I printed anything out was in April or early May, so there’s no way that can be right! Even then, it was only for 4 or 5 Q’s. Trying to find the appropriate contact on their help page is next to impossible. Any idea why this happened? Has something changed since the last time I printed TQ’s?
I’ve seen online at many coupon sites that those coupons that say Manufacturer’s Coupon at the top, but say available or redeemable at X Store (such as Walmart, Acme, Shop Rite, Walgreens, etc.) SHOULD be accepted at any store, because they are MANUFACTURERS coupons, not technically a store coupon. However, after trying to use a Q that had Shoprite’s logo on it at my local Target, I was told they won’t accept it, and they aren’t even allowed to try to scan it to see if it accepts. I tried to explain to the cashier that it says MANUFACTURER’S on the top, but she insisted she wasn’t allowed to scan it. I proceeded over to the Customer Service desk and was told the same thing. I explained it is NOT a store coupon, it doesn’t say store coupon anywhere, just manufacturers, and I was again shot down. 🙁 Anyone else been shot down like this before at their Target? Or have success? Now, I used a manufacturer’s coupon from the ACME coupon book, which didn’t have their logo on it, but the “Sizzling Summer Bonus” graphic, and they took it. Which cracks me up, because it’s basically the same idea! Just didn’t have the store logo on it. Any thoughts?
In an attempt to NOT shelf-clear one store, I decided to visit two different Target stores Sunday for a purchase. The first store accepted 10 manufacturer’s coupons for the same item, with no problem. The second store’s cashier would only accept 4. I went to customer service afterwards, and she told me that their store’s policy is only 3 like coupons per transaction. When I asked my cashier to split my order, she refused, saying the limit was 4 per day.
I was in a hurry and didn’t have time or patience to try to sort them out, but I was quite frustrated!
There is a coupon on Target.com for $1 off Claussen pickles, they are on price cut at my store for 2.79 and there is a manf. coupon for them here http://smartsource.com/smartsource/index.jsp?Link=5S2ZUA6PWPEPO Making them only 79cents. I thought this was a good deal.
oh my goodness MD you need to call corporate. That is just pure silliness- they are not going to take their own coupons? I would call corporate and tell them what your store said.
I went today to my local Target and according with them they are no longer accepting Target coupons printed from their web site. Because of a lot of problems with people making copies and using other illegal ways to produce Target coupons the only ones they will accept for now on are manufacturer coupons and Target coupons printed from the Target machines at checkout or the ones you can find at the Sunday paper or food boxes.
So bummed, all my Target printed coupons are not valid any more.
Did anybody else have the same response?
@Nicole- Target receipts can be hard to decipher but if you do your math and check your total after coupons against your receipt it will likely match up. It does minus the coupon- (seeing the -$2 right under the item is the indication) but the reason you still see a package total with only $2 in Target coupons deducted is because they are calculating what you would get back for a refund should you need to return your items, not what these items actually cost you after coupons.
Because Target submits manufacturer coupons for reimbursement to manufacturers, they don’t minus your manufacturer coupon from the money they would give back to you. BUT the Target coupons they are not reimbursed for- therefore you DO see those deducted from the package total since you can’t get back money for using a Target coupon. So your package total of $5.98 is just what the refund value of the items you bought, not what you actually paid. And like I said if you add up what you bought on a calculateor, and minused all your coupons, you will probably see that the totals match. hth and makes sense.
I just got home from a Target trip and looked at my receipt. On items where I used both a TQ and a MQ, the receipt shows that a MQ was scanned, but it does not subtract from the price. Underneath the item, it says “refund value” and gives another price. For example, I tried to use a $2/2 TQ for 2 Dove Men’s Deoderant and 2 $2/1 MQs for the same deoderant. The receipt looks like this:
Dove Men $3.99
MFR Coupon $2.00-
Refund Value 2.99 T
Dove Men $3.99
MFR Coupon $2.00-
Refund Value $2.99 T
Package Subtotal $7.98
Target Coupon $2.00-
Package Total $5.98
With MQs this deal should only be $1.98!! Why did this happen?? This scenario happened for a few other items as well!! I’m going to go up to the store and talk to customer service, but I wanted to see what your take on this is. THANK YOU!
@Colin – target coupons are always in red- Manufacturer’s coupons are always in blue. hth
I am new to your site, but why are some coupons listed in red and others in blue?
I have a question regarding using more than one of the same target coupon per transaction. For instance, if I print the .50 off I “Can’t believe its not butter spread” Target coupon two times to match with another coupon for 1.00 off one Manufacturers coupon – can I use both Target coupons in one check-out or do I need to go twice and check out twice?
Hi Kerry,
I had a question about your post related to the Crystal Light drink mix earlier this week and the Neutrogena Men Razor Defense shave gel. I know you stated you can stack a target and mgf coupon but once you print the target coupon, it states that you can only use one coupon or offer per transaction. Does that mean you can not combine the target coupon and mfg coupon? how did this work for you?
Is there now a print limit for the Target Web coupons? I can only print 2 of the same and the coupon “disappers”. I had to get on our other computer to print a couple more of the ibuprofen & foil coupons.
Did you see that Target Portraits is running a 50% portrait purchase deal? The minimum is $79.99 (before the coupon) So you can spend as little as $40 for a ton of prints! Also- Target Portraits does not charge sitting fees. Great Father’s day gift idea!
Here is the link to the printable coupons: http://www.targetportraits.com/coupons/coupons.html
Hi Kerry,
Just wanted to let you know about a deal I came across. There is a Oscar Meyer Angus hot dog coupon on target.com and a brinks coupon here http://bricks.coupons.com/Start.asp?tqnm=yffibin68244465&bt=vi&o=87345&c=SV&p=J8UVIcAv If this link does not work let me know and I can forward you the email I recieved from my local grocery store that is a mf coupon, so I was thinking its a buy 3 get 1 and the mf coupon is for a dollar of 2 so couldn’t you use 2 of the mf with the store one?
I was just wondering if you knew whether I would be able to use a manufacturer coupon for a free box of John Frieda hair color and a target store coupon for $5 off a box of John Frieda hair color? And if so, is there a trick as to which coupon to use first? Thanks for any help on this.
@Kerry, I just noticed that you live in St Lucie. I do too and was wondering which store you prefer for ease of couponing and better deals….Traditions or Jensen beach?
Hey Holly- glad you foud your answer and yes it is a ymmv. T’s Q policy does not cover the issue- therefore it is up to the store.
PS- I just read another comment from a month ago where you told the commenter it was up to the store or the cashier and their discretion regarding the B1G1 and the MQ. Thanks!
Hi Kerry. I love your website! Thanks for all the great deals! I haven’t had ANY problems with couponing at Target. It has been wonderful. But I mistakenly misunderstood the coupon policy (as I am so used to how it works with Walgreens and in a hurry, didn’t review the policy). An example: I bought Suave Lotion yesterday. I bought (4) of them at $2.69 each. I used two B1G1 Free MQ. I then used (2) $1/1 MQ. I also used two $0.75 TQ. It said on the B1G1 Free coupon that it would be free up to $3.00 and the guy didn’t price adjust it down – just deducted $3.00 even though it was $2.69 (I didn’t see this until I got home). I had four other Nexcare coupons which caused overages of $0.13 each but nothing was price adjusted down for the Q – just gave me overages. So basically I didn’t realize you are not allowed to use a B1G1 Free Q and then also a MQ on the free item. I have always done this at Walgreens without a problem. I definitely wouldn’t have done it if I had known. Does your store allow “overages” or do they adjust the coupon down? If yo have any insight or advice I really appreciate it. Thanks Kerry!
Just a heads up on how the coupons show up on Target’s receipts. Target coupons subtract the amount off the item so they do not always show as a coupon used. Also if a mq does not scan it goes in as a mismatch and will only show as a misc coupon at the end. if you want to know if all went through you need to keep track of what you began with. Ask them to help you match up the coupons on the receipt as well. As for how many coupons can be used, target web coupons state one per transaction so most will follow that statement. Quantities can be limited per store and it is based on household quantities and stock in store. The actual numbers are determined by the location itself not Target corporation. Hope this helps.
Okay. Thanks. I tried to use a printable TQ the other day and stack it with a MQ but it didn’t go through. Since I wasn’t confident I really understood their policy I didn’t question it. Thanks for your explanation.
Hey Melissa- no you can always use 1 TQ & 1 MQ per item, but if it is a printable- then your store may only allow you to use 1 set of coupons in a transaction. hth
Wow that was fast! Just to clarify, if I try to use a printable TQ then I can only use that and not stack with a MQ also?
Hey Melissa- only printable Target coupons usually say that. if you are using a printable your store may only allow you to use 1 identical TQ per TRANSACTION. if you are using a Target insert coupon they do not say that, and you may use 1 target coupon and 1 manufacturers coupon per item in your transaction- so if you have 4 items in your transaction, you can use 1 TQ & 1 MQ for each item. If a coupon is for $1/2 then that coupon covers 2 items. hth
My Target Qs say limit one coupon or offer per transaction. I know the policy says they will accept 1 TQ and 1 MQ per item but this is confusing to me. I am really new to couponing and just want to make sure I know what to say if I have a problem in the store. Thanks!
Hey Maggie- printable TQs carry the wording of 1 identical target coupon per transaction. Some stores are strict about this- others may let you use 2 identical in one transaction. But if your store chooses to uphold the wording, I would have just done a second transaction and would have asked for a manager if they refused. Nicely explaining to management that T.com allowed you 2 prints and all it says is one per transaction, and you would prefer not to make 2 trips for ice cream, hopefully they will see the reasoning. Overwhelm them with kindness & smiles- like they say- you catch more bees with honey. 🙂
Hi Kerry I love love your blog! I just have a question about the target coupons you print at the Target website. How many of the Target coupons can you use? I printed two of the Magnum ice cream and combined with two manufacturer coupons, but the cashier said I was only able to use ONE Target coupon because the bar code numbers were identical?? He even accused me of photo copying the coupons! What can I do about this? The Target coupons all has the same bar code numbers for each item, but then why are we able to print two? Thanks!
Hi Kerry I wanted to know if you or anyone else was having problems with the type of printer and not being able to print off the target coupons. I used to be able print the coupons and now I get a message saying they do not allow me to print from my type of printer I have a cannon print fax and scanner all in one. I am super frustrated since I always would try to print off coupons I could use but now it is not allowing me to since I apparently have the “wrong type of printer?” Any thoughts or suggestions from your followers would be helpful!
yes I believe that was 5-22 RP Traci. You can always reference the target coupon page too. I keep a running list of all Target coupons from all sources here:
Hi Kerry,
Do you know which insert had the Target coupon for Downey, Tide and Bounce. I cut these out of one of my inserts and wanted to do a deal again and I have extra inserts that I was going to go through to find them. They were all together, on one page of some insert.
Hey Debbie- absolutely- different regions of the country can have different prices. I am in S Central Florida. I try and warn about it often that sale prices can vary by region but it is hard to put that on each and every single post but I do try. Even my 2 local stores can differ from one another.
Hi Kerry, I’ve been following your blog and have learned so much, thank you! I had a question: you showed a pic of Zyrtec on sale for $4.76. I just came back from my Target where I paid $5.48 for the same package (minus my $4.00 coupon). Do individual stores have different sale prices? Thanks! Debbie
Hey Erica- it is because you need to hit a $5 mark to make the deal work. Your total before coupons cannot be less than the gift card being earned. see my post here
Hi, I went to my local target this morning in Louisiana and found that the Banana Boat lip balm had a tag for a price cut making it $1.79 and it was, according to the sign which specified “Banana Boat lip Balm”, supposed to be by 2 get a $5 gift card. I asked one store manager if what I was reading was correct and he said yes and there was no limit to my purchase there were just no rainchecks. When I got to the check out the computer wasn’t prompting my $5 gift card. Long story eventually the manager was called and said it was a misprint on the sign and would only allow me to purchase but 2 lip balms. What are your thoughts and what would you have done in this situation??
Thanks Erica
Hey SHeila- they usually reset around 3am EST on Sunday, sometimes a bit later. Re cashier behavior- couponing sometimes requires a thick skin but as long as you are using your coupons properly, there is nothing to fear or defend. But if I were you in the instance you describe- I would have asked to see a manager.
Kerry- I have never had a problem at Target with my coupons, except the print limits. I miss great ones frequently because I didn’t print them off fast enough, and everyone else snatches them 🙂
I was wondering, do you know exactly when Target posts the new coupons for that week? Midnight? 4am? I will set my alarm!
P.S.- at Walgreens today the cashier accused me of stealing because of using coupons. “You are getting that for free! That is just wrong! I bet you don’t even use it!” When I explained that some of the items would be going to Joplin MO, she said “yeah right”. I was using some MQ, but paid for some of my stuff with catalina’s from WG that were from previous transactions (perfectly legal).
I am just surprised by some of the attitudes that we are encountering now that TLC airs “extreme couponing”.
This lady really believed that I was wrong to get $$ off.
I have the same question as April. I didn’t know there was a coupon print limit (other than 2 prints per coupon per computer), but I have gotten the following message just now on the Target coupon website: “We’re sorry. You’ve reached the limit of coupons you’re currently eligible to receive.” There are some coupons on the Target site that I would love to get before they disappear, but the website will not allow me to print on either of my computers tonight. Kerry, can you explain this policy to us? Has anyone else out there had this happen before? I’ll make sure to only print the coupons I really want if this is going to be a recurring problem. Thanks to any one who can offer help or an explanation!!! 🙂
I am very new to couponing and got a bit excited last week and reached my max print limit on the Target site. I figured it would reset on Sunday. I was able to print two coupons after Sunday, but since then, have been getting the “reached your limit” message. Does anyone know what the limits are per household or when they reset them?
@ Cheryl – If you go under the tab “Target Qs”, Kerry lists out all the coupons available on the Target site and whether it is a Target Q or a Maunfacturer Q…HTH!
I love your site! I was wondering if there’s a way of knowing a coupon on the Target site is a Target or a Manufacturer’s coupon? I hate when I print off a coupon thinking I can stack it with a Manufacturers only to print it and find it IS a manufacturers. 🙁 any suggestions?
Have always preferred Target. Now, imagine my surprise today to realize their ad matching does NOT apply to produce, the bakery and meats. I was surprised and disappointed. Corporate confirmed…even if the competitor ad states Chicken breast .89 /lb and no brand stated, you cannot get the chicken breast at Target for that price because Target “brands” the chicken as market pantry. Seems like a little shady there. Same goes for a loaf of french bread or even a watermelon (the example the guest svcs person gave). So, keep this in mind if you plan to ad match – try just going to the original store or another store that ad matches. I was so disappointed…
I have been following your blog for some time now and I have to say I love it! I am really upset at the Target on Bay Area Blvd in Houston. Yesterday, I went to grab a couple things I needed and printed my Target coupons, along with clipping my manufacture coupons. I get to the register where the cashier has started to scan my items, she sees my coupons in my hand and very rude asked me ” Are those coupons” I said “yes” she stops scanning and tells me to give them to her without any explanation, I gave them to her, she started to take things out of the bag and looking for them for each individual coupon I had without having scanned the rest of my items, the lady behind my was really nice and I felt so bad because she only had one item (by this point the cashier is looking for each item I have a coupon for before she scans it) the lady behind me tells me she doesnt think the coupons are being taken off, thats when my cashier decided to explain what she was doing to her not me, she tells her this is our new policy I have to do this now. I didn’t have a problem with what she was doing, had she explained it I would’ve helped her arrange the items accordingly. She was incredibly rude about the entire thing and when I got home I realized she didn’t scan a couple of my coupons $16 worth to be exact!!! The worst part is most of the coupons she did not scan were Target coupons! I am just so upset and I could not find a complaint email/ number on their website. I think if this is going to be their new POLICY as she said, everyone should know to avoid the surprise at the register. It added an extra 30 minutes to my transaction where I had only about 15 items. I didn’t notice the total because I purchased some ink that was $60 and since I started couponing recently I haven’t really mastered the price thing. I can assure you that I wont be going up to the register without knowing my total.
I am wondering how to get on the mailing lists for various coupon mailers from Target–I know my mom just got a booklet and I see some mentioned here but I don’t know how to arrange to get these. Any ideas?
I took advantage of the $1/1 Sally Hansen printable combined with the $1/1 Sally Hansen Target coupon. I had two of each coupon and got two bottles of nail polish. The register took the first two coupons and then had trouble on the last two. The checker questioned them and finally took them. Is is okay for me to buy two? Will it always have trouble with either buying two of one item or using 2 coupons for one item?
Then….I found some Revlon mascara on clearance for $3.74. I had the $1/1 Target coupon and then a $2/1 manuf. coupon. It wouldn’t take the manuf coupon because it says “Revlon Color Cosmetic”. How do you know what they consider “color cosmetic”…or did it just kick it back because it was a second coupon for one item?
@sonnet pichardo: with regard to using the Target GC coupons for prescriptions, all government supported health plans, including military, medicare, medicaid, etc., are excluded from receiving a GC when filling a scrip on the plan, per the language on the coupon. There was a pharm c/o in this week’s flyer so maybe you can read the fine print this week. This isn’t a Target policy but a government policy. I used to work for a health plan that processed a lot of federal health claims, and my understanding was that it was meant to keep the playing field level so that Target wasn’t “bribing” people to get their prescriptions filled at their pharmacies instead of somewhere else. I have a friend on medicaid, and she can’t get the GC’s when she fills her scrips either. Hope that helps.
1 mobile coupon per cutomer. once you use it’s done. That is the way they meant for them to be used
How many purchases can you use with a mobile coupn? is it one per phone
can you use a catalina from target with a manufacturer coupon?
I have a question about Target Mobile coupons. Can each mobile coupon only be used once? And is it once per person/once per transaction/once per item? I use and refer your site all the time! Thanks!
I went to Target yesterday and spent more then I normally do to prepare for our camping trip. When I handed the lady my coupons she had to look and read almost every one and questioned a lot of them. (I had an item for every coupon I used) She seemed to scatter them around her also. Which was very annoying. Well when I got home and looked over my receipt I noticed a few big value coupons missing off the receipt, which I am VERY annoyed about because then I wouldn’t have bought the product without a coupon. What do you do in this case, How can i prove if I go back in with my receipt that I had a coupon for that item? I can’t figure out which $1 coupons are missing as well, I know I had more then what was rung up on the receipt.
I just keep thinking of how much more I should have saved and it’s frustrating me.
Please help on what I should do in this case. Thanks 🙂
I have a question about the diaper GC deal this week. I also have the $5.00 GC when you buy 2 Huggies diaper coupons. Can I use this coupon with the store advertised GC deal and get 2 gift cards? Just wondering! Thanks!
LOVE your blog! I had something happen today that was new to me, but thought you might have some insight. I went to print my Target coupons before going to do errands today, and it only let me print 6 coupons *total*. I printed 2 once each, then 2 twice each… and then it wouldn’t let me print any other coupons, even though I hadn’t printed them at all. This is the first time that I’ve hit a “total coupon” ceiling rather than a “you have printed the maximum times allowed” ceiling… but 6 seems really, really low!
Any thoughts/ideas?
How or where can I sign up to receive the target coupon books? Asked in the store – they didn’t know. Thanks so much.
@Jennifer I am in St. Lucie County- sort of south-mid-east FL. PCs can vary within 10 miles, but once you have been following the blog a while- you will probably notice an amount or percentage yours may be cheaper or more expensive which will help you start to learn what to expect in your own area when using my site. hth
ok kerry i hope this is the right place to ask a question. Today I when to the pharmacy to get 2 NEW prescriptions filled. I know target throws the $10 GC every so often. Of course, I has not prepared for this trip since it was emergency rm trip. In all the trip went well the l asked the lady when i dropped it off if the still honor the $10 GC with prescrips and said yes as long as I have the coupon. I told nope I dont have one but dont the store have one this week in the ad. She said that i could check at the GS. I went there and the guy let me see this weeks ad. Nope there was no coupon. But ask them if they have one back there. so my prescripe is done and I ask her and she said no there wasnt one in this week ad but she has one back there. so as she went to the back to get one another lady asked if it was military and the lady said yes. so the other lady said that military are not allowed to get a GC becuase they have tricare for medical insurance. The 2nd lady told her to go ahead and do it this time but i cant get the deal next time. I told her that is weird what does insurance have to do with it. and she said it say it right on the coupon, but of course she didnt let me see. BUT i got the 2 $10 GC and still had to pay a co pay of 5.37 for the prescripes. My question to you is from your knowledge are military exempt from getting the prescription GC ? just so i know for next time when i am prepared and do show up with the coupon(s)
I am wondering where you are located? I have noticed price cuts vary by area and was curious where you are located and if you know how far a radius the cuts would cover? Thank you very much.
Hey Kerry, Went to Target today and the cashier told me that they do not get paid for P&G coupons. I got the olay, she was very nice and took the coupon. LOVE YOUR SITE
Hey Kerry, Went to Target today and the cashier told me that they do not get paid for P&G
Hey Aimee- there is no statement in their coupon policy addressing this issue so unfortunately you are at thhe mercy of the store on whether they will accept it or not. I always try to note it since many Target stores feel a B1G1 applies to 2 items not just the 1 you are buying. hth Oh and you will have the same situaation on the B1G1 againstt a B11 sale or using a coupon on an in-store freebiee from a sale or deal- again nothing is addressed in their policy so it is luck of the draw. Some stores are fine with it some are not.
Hi Kerry,
I wondered if you could tell me what the Taget coupon policy is in relation to B1G1 free items. Tonight, I tried to purchase to Axe shower gels at $3.26 each and they woudn’t allow me to use the B1G1 with the a $1 off manufacturer’s coupon. I thought Target allowed one MC per item. Also, I asked if Target was offering a B1G1 deal and I had a coupon for the same item for B1G1 would both items be free and the manager said no.
I see nothing in the policy relating to these situations. Any info you could give me would be appreciated.
We all want to know that Beth. 😉 There is no sirefire way to get a mailer – lots of hypotheticals no 100% proven method though unfortunately
I need to know what to do in order to get signed up for Target mailers (not email). How do I go about this?
HI, I went to target to use a price match on some oranges. The oranges at target were sold for .54 cents each and the add was 7 lbs for .99 cents. The customer service told me they could not do this because they were not the same item since they sold the oranges by each instead of by lbs. Do you know if this is true or if there is a policy on this?
What’s the target Mobile coupons?
in my opinion yes- a coupon should be it’s own deal unless it says that it can not be combined with in store offers or some such verbiage- if it coincides with a store sale imo- so be it. In some stores’ opinions no. unfortunately it will be a ymmv.
Hi- thanks for all of the updates, and the hard work you do!
I have a question- If there is an in store deal for a gift card (buy 2- get a $5 GC), can you use a TQ that says buy 2 get a $5 GC and still get both? TIA!
Can I print and use more than one Target coupon in the same purchase( example, 3 TQ for 3 of the same items)?
Great $10 coupon in today’s SS for Chef Michael’s dog food to go along with the gift card deal.
I got those ‘ Free” Jeggings when there was the $5.00 off any denim purchase, and the jeggings were on clearance for $4.98…..well, I’m not really a jeggings wear-er but I repurposed them into a scarf/vest and skirt outfit. I really was fairly simple…especially the scarf part. If anyone was interested.
Kerry, I have a photo to send you from my recent shopping trip for the Knorr Report. How can I get it to you?
Cindy that is just crazy that the security guard handled the situation and the manager did not. It is sad that team members are not taught the simple way to tell when a manufacturer’s coupon is copied. Call corporate and report the store. I can’t promise you anything will be done about it, but if you have the energy to pursue it- I say call. You can also call the store first if you choose to ask to speak to another member of management. Let them know that you plan on calling corporate but that you thought you would check with them first and express your concerns about returning to the store. jmo of course- pursuing this is up to you.
I went to target today. I handed over my manufactories coupon first. Then she told me she could not accept my target coupons or the other coupons I printed online. I asked why she and she called the manager. The manager told me I copied the coupons. I pointed out the number were different in the upper right hand corner and she continued to say the ones across the bottom were the same. Then she left to and called over the security guard who noticed the coupons all had different numbers. He asked if they scan through and she told him she had not tried. All the coupons scanned because I never copy them. Please advise what I should do in this situation. Should I call the corporate office or how should I handle a situation like this? I didn’t appreciate the manager telling me I copied coupons when I never do that.
Hi Kerry,
this is just a quick note to say that i look at your site multiple times a day and wanted to thank you so much for all that you do! I live in NYC and there are 2 target locations that i frequent and both take about 1/2 to an hour to get to by subway. My income is limited so i depend on TOTALLY TARGET tips, matchups and other readers imput to get the most bang for the buck. I also have noticed that both my Target’s prices are slightly higher so even though I may have to shell out a little more than most, it still makes a HUGE difference in the end. It is with great satisfaction that i can check out at the register and have an amazed audience of the cashier, other shoppers and sometimes even a security guard who ask me how I just did that.. “TOTALLY TARGET – check it out” is what i say… thank you again!!!!
Hi Kerry! I couldn’t find a “contact me” link or anything. I have no idea how to email you. BUT, I noticed at Target today that Cheerios has a $1.50 Pampers Diaper coupon on the back of the box. It doesn’t expire until 2013. I thought you and your readers would like to know! Love your blog! Thanks for all your hard work! 🙂
I went to target today and was very annoyed. I was told they will only accept 4 target and 4 manufacturer coupons a day for the same item. I emailed corporate before because I had the same problem and showed it to the manager. The manager looked at the email and said that they limit the coupons, gave me his card and told me I can email them with his information. I am going to do this becuse it is annoying. Do they expect me to go to the store every day for a good deal? So annoyed that I really don’t want to shop there right now.
thanks a bunch!! i’m going there tomorrow.
according to their publshed on line policy a coupon for more than the value of an item can be adjusted down to meet the cost of the item. From th ePolicy: “Coupon amount may be reduced if it exceeds the value of the item after other discounts or coupons are applied.” I always reccomend printing the policy and bringing with you to the store. it can be found here: http://www.target.com/b/?node=2223357011
I just came back from target and am pretty annoyed. I tried to use the $5 off jeans coupon on a pair of clearanced jeans that were 4.98. The cashier looked at the coupon and said it couldn’t be used because it’s more than value of the jeans. I told her it was a target coupon and she still refused to even scan it. Is this right?? I didn’t have time to get a manager involved but if what she said goes against policy then I’m going back there today! Anyone have any info?
How do I know which coupons are Target and which are manufacture before I print them from the website?
I really hate the Target receipt. It is very difficult for me to tell if my coupons are there and just hard for me to decipher altogether. I used 38 man Qs on the frozen food deal and it only shows 35 on the receipt. I saw each one beep at the register so I thought they all went through fine. Any suggestions?
I’ve just experienced something trying to print Target coupons that I haven’t in the past. When I tried to print the coupons it told me “you have exceeded your household limit”. Do you have any idea what this household limit is or when it resets? Thanks
Quick question does Target accept other store catalinas like walgreens or Jewels??? can anyone answer me that question i read all the info here but I didnt see the answer to my question in specific….Thank you!!!
Hi, I LOVE YOUR BLOG!! Ive always liked Target over other stores, but felt that there everyday prices were a little bit higher than others, but with the “stacking” of coupons and other deals it ends up being sooo much cheaper! So thank you for all of your advice and help! Now…my question 🙂 When I print a Target web coupon Ive noticed if I print more than 1 they have the SAME bar code number! Am I supposed to only print 1? I know Ive read on here somewhere that once you’ve reached your limit it will not appear anymore, but I’m still hesitate to take multiple coupons that look identical. I just want them to think that I copied it…Thank you again for everything! P.S. I hope your lil man is feeling better!
yes you can if they are each $/1
Question about target coupons. If a target coupon states “$2 off with purchase of 2 degree deodorants”, can I use 2 manufacturers coupons with the target coupon, if I purchase 2 of the products indicated?
I would like to know how to get red plum inserts in my mail.
Do I need to use more than one target coupon if I am buying more than one item?
If the catalina is a Target Store coupon. If it is a manufacturer’s coupon then no. hth
Can you use a catalina and a manf coupon??
yay- glad to hear it Janet 🙂
Hi Kerry – just got back from Target. My items deemed “grocery” even with tax were under $50, but the “health/beauty” and “household” items pushed my total over $50, and the gift card voucher was scanned with no problem. Woohoo!
Hey Janet- everything SHOULD qualify but I am not positive.
I have a Target coupon for a free $5 Target Gift Card with a grocery purchase of $50 or more. Does this mean the $50 spent has to be on items they list on the receipt as “grocery” (i.e. no bathroom cleaner which they classify as “cleaning supplies” or shampoo which is they classify as “health/beauty”) or could these other categories be included as well?
they were right – using the peelie would be using a 2nd MQ or 2nd TQ on the same item. goes against their policy of 1 TQ and 1 MQ per item
I had one manufacture coupon and one target coupon per item. And I also had a peelie from the item, they would not let me use the peelie .Is this right? I thought that they also took the peelie.
Not sure where the best place for this question would be, BUT any idea when snow pants are going to go on sale! Coats have been put on sale, but for some reason they seem to be waiting on the pants..
just got home from Target:
register beeped with almost every coupon (4 of 5)
all were items on sale but nothing else unusual about my purchases…
except for the Solo “bare” disposable items … manager said coupon could not be used on a clearance item
I disagreed and he let it go thru as a ‘courtesy’ but I am pretty sure he was wrong.
Is there an official policy on this??
The Finish Quantum Coupon disappeared from the Target site a few days ago… they aren’t region specific, but Target takes them down without any pattern. Sometimes they will come back or “reset”, but so far that coupon hasn’t. Hope this helps!
Quick Question: You mention a printable TargetQ for $1.50/1 Finish Quantum 10 ct. but when I click the link it’s not there. Is it already gone? Are they region specific? Could you please explain the Target coupon specific thing, I’m new to them and don’t quite get it yet. THanks
I have printed out several online Target coupons in the past with no problems. Lately when I have tried to print some new ones, they are not printing with the dollar/cents off amount. All that shows is the picture and name of the item. Also there are no numbers underneath the scan code. Can you tell me what the problem might be, because I am wasting both paper and ink and I hate to waste anything.
I just have a question. What do you mean when you say “target coupon mailer”. I’ve been to the target stores and I can’t seem to find the target coupon books. How can I get those?…
Thanks for your help!
not sure if the is the spot where I am to enter for the giveaway of yhe pixps and paperoni…..but this is a I could find
Like you I had a good day of 75% buying…….Toys and shoes. I was so excited……I am on Social Security and when I can buy for my grandchildren like this it and I love it.
sorry i’m new to the computor how do i find where to comment on post?
Had a problem at target today, I bought 3 Tide and had 3 1.00 off coupons. The cashier said they are only allowed to take one coupon now and not mulitples of the same in a transaction. I doesn’t say that in there policy. They coupon itself said limit 4 of the same coupon in a transaction. Got home called the manager, he was rude, said as long as it doesn’t say one per transaction then its ok. But he said i have the right to not accept any or a certain number, which is fine I guess if you want to lose business. The thing that really got me was he said if it say limit on per transaction then you can only use one and your not allowed to do multiple transaction at all???? I shop there alot and never had a problem but no I don’t know what to do or how to even use coupons there now???
Target coupons last is how I do it
I need help do i put target coupon first or manufactor coupon first when stacking coupons?
Was denied price matching on the recent Crayola Pop-Art Pixies kits because it was on a promotion. Got several managers involved but they all agreed that I shouldn’t get the price match AND the gc. They pulled a guide book to look up this info and says that it stated price matching wouldn’t work when things were on promo.. but when asked if I could see it in writing, they said it was “secret” and that they weren’t allowed to show consumers this info. Of course I am taking it up with target relations online.. but even they say that my purchase wasn’t entitled to price matching.
When it says to “leave a comment on this post,” how do I do that?
I just love following your posts and deals – it is awesome!!! I also feel bad that I never share anything. So I wanted to share something with you. I work in the library at our elementary school and yesterday one of our volunteers shared a site with me that is definitely worth checking out. It is called http://www.1saleaday.com and they offer new deals everyday that are steals. I don’t know if you would be interested or even some of your readers but it is definitely worth checking out on a daily basis! I just found out about it yesterday and have already taken advantage of one deal each of the two days!
Thanks for all you do to help us keep money in our wallets!
There are several websites (including Target & was just trying to print off CouponNetwork) that won’t let me print coupons. I have a fax/copy/printer & it always says “please make sure that “Print” is set as the default function on your computer.”
Anyone have any ideas? I have looked everywhere & know how to set the printer I want to default but to set it to default to print… nowhere to be found. I’m hoping I am not the only one who’s been through this. Thanks so much!
Hey Vanessa- here is the number to Target Corporate: 1-800-440-0680
My question is if you ever have to complain about rude cashiers or even rude managers, who refuse to take your coupons, who do you get in contact with? is there a hotline?
Kerry, are you planning to do a Black Friday section with some of the advertised sales and coupons? I’m just trying to plan my black friday shopping and was wondering if you’d be doing that . . . Thanks!
What is Target’s policy regarding overcharging for products. I have been overcharged on several occassions and I only receive the price difference – not the product free. I hate that as a consumer I am left to check my receipt and that Target isn’t held accountable for their errors – or are they???
I was wondering what I needed to do in order to get the targe coupon books in the mail.I even have a target card and never once have I recieved any coupons from them.Why is that? and what can i do to recieve them in the future?
This is the second time I went to print coupons from the target website that I received a message stating that I reached my coupon print limit. I got the message after I choose the coupons I wanted and clicked on print. I only printed 5 coupons in the past 2 weeks. Does anyone know anything about this?
How do I sign up to start receiving home mailers?
Not sure how to contact you on here but I got a mailer from pampers today with a new code (for me anyway) worth 50 points 2beginearning50.
Do you have to have fillers w/ coupons at Target? I have both a Target coupon and a MQ for the Colgate that is on sale this week…do I have to get another item so they will go through? Thanks in advance!
I’m a Mac user & I’m having more problems after the “fix”. I now have intermittent problems with pages loading as an unformatted RSS but with red backgrounds. And finally, I registered, but still haven’t received my password.
I found a peelie for a free Schick hydro razor with purchase of the blades.
They will adjust the price and credit you the difference at Customer Service. I believe there is a time limit of one or two weeks though.
Hi, i am new to couponing and heard from someone before that u need to had the target coupons tothe cashier first and then the manu. coupons is that right? Thanks!
So I’ve had 2 terrible Target experiences within the last 4 days…went to the Chambersburg, PA store–the only one anywhere near me–and none of my $4 game coupons wanted to scan. The manager was very rude and huffy; she came over when she heard me inform the teenage cashier that my coupons weren’t scanning and she was just beeping away not paying attention. After the manager rang them in, I checked the receipt in the parking lot and she missed one. I went back to CS to get my money back ans she was so rude! She gave me my cash back but treated me like a thief. I emailed corporate on that one.
Today, went back to get just a couple of the sale deals and they argued with me over the $5 Kraft coupon. The manager finally keyed it in, buy while checking my receipt in the lobby, I noticed one of the Target Q’s for the Reveal light bulbs didn’t show. Do back to CS, and the lady was very nice–she went to pull the coupons and saw that i had 2, then told me I couldn’t use both coupons at the same transaction per the coupon. I told her I always use 2 since that’s what prins. She shrugged and said that’s policy, so I told her to deduct one pack off my bill. Then I asked if she could do a new transaction so I could buy the bulbs using the coupon right then and there. I didn’t want to argue so just let it go. I have to go back later this week so I’ll buy them then. But annoying!
How do I go about getting Target HOME mailers? I have looked everywhere and do not see a place to sign up on any kind of mailing list…thank you for your help!
Not sure if I missed this somewhere, but I’m wondering if Target does adjustments on its own prices. For example, I bought a bunch of toddler clothes last week at full price and many are on sale this week (go figure!) If I take my receipt in, will they credit me the difference? I have this week’s Target ad showing the sale items.
I can’t figure out how to use the coupon data base. How do I get the coupons to print
HI Kerry, Just want to tell you I had a horrible shopping experience today at my Target in Milltown, NJ..Just about everyone of my Internet Manufac Coupons beeped. I was then told by the cashier and the manager Amy that if an internet coupon beeps then they could not accept it. Also, they wouldn’t price down my tide coupons(coupon was for $1 and trial size is only .97cents) which I know they could price down according to there coupon policy. The manager says that since the coupon says in fine print “redeem only by purchasing the brand size and quantities indicated, the manager says since the picture is a big bottle that she would not allow me to use it even though the coupon says on any ONE tide.) So needless to say, I had to put back most of my order and did not have a great trip today. My father was so embarresed he walked out, so I figured I could vent to you! Thanks for your sight! Its great
Can someone out there explain the mfr Q with the Target symbol on it. Can you not stack those with another Target Q. Can you use mrf Q with the Target symbol anywhere? Love the site. Thanks.
Anyone else had success with super target taking expired coupons??
just like you left a comment on this post- but leave it on the giveaway post instead
how do i leave a post for giveaways?
What do I have to do to post a comment for the giveaways
Once your total is $50 then you start using your coupons always give the highest $$coupons first
I have one of those catalina coupons from Target that is $5 off a $50 purchase. My question is, does the $50 have to be before or after coupons? there is not any print that indicates.
This may already be a question someone asked, but how do you get Target coupons mailed to you? Is there a place to sign up?
Did you see the article on yahoo finance on what to buy @ Target & what not to buy @ Target? I was just wondering what you thought. I enjoy reading your blog for matchup’s, etc.
Today at Target I was told by three different people that they would only accept one of my $1/1 Friskies coupons because they are changing the policy so we can only use one per transaction. They also said it was because “couponing people” are “out of control.” PLEASE tell me they are lying. It was a bad experience at a store I normally love. I was very polite but I cannot believe this is really going to be a policy!
I gotta a question for you. Where in the Target coupon policy does it state about Target excepting coupons for trial sizes as long as the Q does not state otherwise?
Hello Everyone, I just had the worst day ever at Target and yes now they make you feel like a criminal when using coupons. I’m always stuck in line from 30-40 min. And now with the “new computer system” it will not accept a lot of valid coupons. Today I had Crest 3D toothpaste and the system would not accept, get this, the Target coupon. The manager just would not accept so I went to the service desk and ask her to call the Cus Care and after explaining (both the emp and myself), they did nothing, explained how sorry they were and that they could not accept the Target coupon. Everything was according to the coupon. Now, it everytime I go to my Target and unfortunately its the only one in my area. The Empl and Mgrs are constantly misinterpeting the coupons. Now if you have 2 Q and the 2 Items you have to ring them up separately. The system will only let you get one, they say. I’ve been a Target shopper a long time but now it is getting to were it’s not fun anymore. I do agree that we all should be calling customer care and lodging our complaint but is there something else we could do to get them to hear us loud and clear.
I getTarget e-mails and some baby mailers but I don’t get the other home mailers with coupons. Where do I sign up to get home mailers???
Thanks Melissa
i need help. has anyone else tried to print target coupons and they print out fine except there is no dollar amount on there. i know i haven’t exceeded the print limit so i don’t know what else to do. it is frustrating cause i want to use them. any ideas
I went to Target Germantown (MD) last night and the cashier made me feel like I was ripping the store off, being really snide, sighing and accusing me of mismatching coupons and trying to shortchange the store by using TQ+MQ on the same items.The cashier actually told the older gentleman in front of me only buying one item with one coupon that TQ from the website aren’t real, but that she would let it go this time. The manager actually backed up the rude cashier too! So I called Target corporate this morning and the lady said that they would pass on my complaint but that guests really shouldn’t be using more than about 9 coupons so while rude, the cashier was right- I never saw that in their corporate policy. She didn’t really say anything about not letting me stack coupons, other than I was using too many then. (BTW I had maybe 25 coupons in 2 transactions). Has anyone else had this happen? Also, if a cashier scans the coupon once, but I end up returning the item during the transaction (because it was a BIG price difference when she wouldn’t let me stack Q) are those coupons once again valid? Or are they no longer good? Thanks!
I have a question, if I need a few Target coupons which are no longer available such as Cesar dog treats, where would I look? I know I have to buy them but, where?
Hey Caroline, if you look at the top of the site I have a “Target Qs” page. you can click on that link and it will tell you which are TQs and which are MQs. heres a direct link but you can always look at the tab at the top pf my site:
Sorry if I missed this elsewhere but is there any way to tell on the Target coupon page whether the coupon that prints out will be an actual Target Web coupon or just a manufacturer’s coupon? Several times I’ve “clipped” a coupon on Targets site hoping to stack with an manufacturer’s coupon but when it prints it is a manufacturer’s coupon. Not a huge deal but I’m trying to conserve paper and printer ink.
Ok, I like the rest of you have been having a problem @ Target. I feel like they should fingerprint me and take a mug shot before I am done. Today, I went in, grabbed a cart and a basket, and put everything I was getting free in the basket. I kept track of the few items in the cart and when I was ready to check out, put the free stuff up in the basket first. I then handed the cashier the goup of coupons by price “these are not $1, they are .97” and “these are not $2 they are $1.94” ect, whilw they beeped and he just maunualy put in the price, I then made him subtotal and finished my order with no problems. As someone has stated, smaller orders do seem better, and he seemed to appreciate the help. Don’t know if he was naturally nice, but it seemed good to walk out without a problem for once. HTH.
Iam in Colorado and I love your site! I always go to Target, my two around here are actually great with my coupons. I might have a grouchy cashier every once in a while, but they still put my coupons through. I was just wondering how to get the mailer, I signed up for Targets emails, so maybe some will come. Did you have to do anything seperate? Thanks for everything you do, I think Target is such a cool store anyway, (much better then walmart) and to have savings on top of it is super sweet.
I love Target, I really, really do but sometimes I get so frustrated with their cashiers and/or managers I just want to scream. I had to leave a Target tonight (same one I ALWAYS have problems with so my own bad) when they wouldn’t take four of my coupons because the item I was purchasing did not look like the photo on the coupon. She called the manager over who agree with her. I just took all my coupons back & left, drove to another Target 15 minutes away. The only problem I had was with the $2.99 Colgate with the coups inside. The manager told me I couldn’t use a TQ cause it was a double tube. Has anyone had to deal with that?
I don’t know what I keep doing wrong, I swear I follow the rules but I always seem to get the oddest denials on my coups.
Love your site, Kerry, sorry about all the whining & bitchin’ tonight. Thanks for all your hard work & help. You’ve saved me tons already, over $60 tonight alone.
I am new to the site and I can’t believe what I was missing! I love TARGET, so this site is on the top of my favorite list. Great job! Thanks for the savings
I love your site! I check it every day from my Ipod.
However, since the Ipod screen is very small, it is hard for me to go between pages. And your website does not have a “next page” and “previous page” buttons on the bottom of the blog page. If you had these buttons, it would be much easier to navigate between the different pages of your blog.
Have you ever been to the website: http://www.thebreakroom.org? It’s a site for Target employees to basically vent on matters. Check out the one called “Pet Peeves” most of it is so true in the eyes of a cashier. Customers should read these and get an idea what a cashier can go through. We always hear the negative things that cashiers do, so as a cashier myself, it’s also nice to let the customers know that they are not always perfect, either! 🙂
TY for the compliments. And yes, unfortunately there are absolutely variations from store to store inhow coupons are handled. There are really only a few things the coupon policy addresses, and then the rest is left to your store’s discretion (using $ off w/B1G1, using a TQ or MQ on a free item in a sale, etc.)
but the 2 things that should always be consistent are that your store should allow 1 TQ AND 1 MQ per item unless coupon prohibits, and an MQ legitimately used should be adjusted down to meet the price of an item. One more variation that I frequently get asked about is using multiple identical TQs in a transaction. While some stores do accept more than 1 identical TQ in a transaction, most TQ printables state right on them that it is one identical TQ per transaction, and that wording should be respected if your store chooses to enforce it. (ie Pick your winnable battles 😉
Unlike TQ printables, most TQ insert coupons do not have this wording and you can use more than one in a transaction. My best advice- if you find a store, cashier, manager etc that you like and seems to be more coupon friendly, try and stick with them. hth.
I know you can’t control Target. I wanted to send you an email to tell you how much I enjoy this site and appreciate all the good information. That being said, do you have problems or hear about problems with the coupon rules being inconsistent? Have you also heard they won’t take another coupon when you are using a BOGO?
Thanks for all the valuable information, being a mom myself, I don’t know how you do it~:)
Hey DP- you can contact me at kerry @ totally target .com (remove spaces). While I sypathize with those of you who have issues at their stores, and you can feel free to contact me, I have no control over how the stores handle coupons. I do not work for Target and I am just a busy mom who also tries to help people save money. If you cannot work out the issues with your store manager, you may want to give Target corp a call and see what they can do to help you. Explain to them what’s going on at your store and see if they can offer a solution. 1.800.440.0680. hth- Kerry
@ Rachel,
I have had problems with them too – It’s getting to the point Totally Target is going to be totally NOT. Does anyone know how to contact Kerri? I am new to this website, but can’t seem to find information/email for her?
Thank you for the coupon policy. I’m printing it out today – I had a HORRIBLE experience at Target this morning. I had all these $1 off coupons and found the items in the sample size bins but since they were priced at $.97 the store wouldn’t accepted any of my coupons. So I brought my receipt to the information desk, manager was called over, and he accused me of trying to rip the store off since I was buying things priced lower than the coupon. I’ve done this before with the Tide $1 off coupons so I just assumed it was okay and the register had always adjusted the price. I was so embarrassed when he said I was trying to basically scam the store, all these people looked at me. I ended up returning my entire bag, getting my coupons back, and left. It was so embarrassing and frustrating!
Jessica, I was about to post the same question. I went to target to get the itch sticks and the first aid bag. My store hasn’t had any first aid bags for 2 weeks (I’ve been calling practically everyday) so I finally went in to custoer service to ask if I could buy the itch sticks today and bring back my receipt if they ever got more of the bags in to get those for free as well. The woman said that should work. When I went to check out the 5/2 coupons scanned as 2.29. The manager got called over, started the whole thing over and it still scanned as 2.29. I asked her if she could just scan them twice, since it should have been taking off twice as much. I showed her a printout of their coupon policy where it says they will adjust coupons down. So she tried scanning the coupons twice but after a few, the register blocked her out with “not enough items.” Even though she tried scanned the coupons twice the whole time she was telling me that target wouldn’t get reimbursed for the second scanning so basically they were loosing money. She made me feel awful. I told her to forget it and take the itch sticks off my order. Then I went across the street to walmart and got the itch sticks there. The coupons worked fine there, taking off $5. This was probably the worst experience I’ve had at target.
Just had an upsetting trip…I was going to use my $5/2 Benadryl q and get the sticks. I was happy to see I got the last 2…I also picked up a couple of Crystal Lights and planned to use my remaining Vocal Point q’s which were about to expire. Also got a trial size ibuprofin, which really wasn’t trial sized, but whatever. Anyway, the $2 Crystal Light q’s came off as $1.97…which was fine, I was still getting them free. But, he $5 Benadryl one only came off as $2.29, the price of one stick. When I questioned the cashier, I got sent to Customer Service. She then said they couldn’t do anything since that’s how it scanned, and I couldn’t get 2 for free. Even when I asked if they could manually enter $4.60…the answer was no. I almost called corporate, but the lady was nice, and I wasn’t sure it was worth the bother. I know this has been happening all over the place, but I wasn’t even sure what to say to the lady after trying to explain the situation, and I wasn’t cheating the system. Thoughts?