Pampers Rewards Program: Add 15 More Points

pampersRight now you can grab 15 more Pampers Rewards Points by entering the following codes: TWCA3485NEEM216 (5 points) and FB3DKDBA3A2HA16 (10 Points) Thank you Suzee!

If you haven’t joined Pampers Rewards yet, just go HERE to join and you will get 100 points just for signing up. Signing up allows you to participate in the Pampers Rewards Program which offers points for purchasing Pampers products and allows you to trade points in for free prizes!

Different value point codes are found depending on which packages you buy- but you can also come across free codes like the ones above.

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Pampers Rewards Program: Add 15 More Points

pampersRight now you can grab 15 more Pampers Rewards Points by entering the following code FB3SOL4ND2BYJ15 (10 points) and the code TWITL4BV7AR9C15 (5 points).

If you haven’t joined Pampers Rewards yet, just go HERE to join and you will get 100 points just for signing up. Signing up allows you to participate in the Pampers Rewards Program which offers points for purchasing Pampers products and allows you to trade points in for free prizes!

Different value point codes are found depending on which packages you buy- but you can also come across free codes like the ones above.

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Pampers Rewards Program: Add 20 More Points

pampersRight now you can grab 20 more Pampers Rewards Points by entering the following code CM6TY8FRM932015. Thanks Sara!

If you haven’t joined Pampers Rewards yet, just go HERE to join and you will get 100 points just for signing up. Signing up allows you to participate in the Pampers Rewards Program which offers points for purchasing Pampers products and allows you to trade points in for free prizes!

Different value point codes are found depending on which packages you buy- but you can also come across free codes like the ones above.

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