Nice Target Deals on Unilever Personal Care – Save Big on Suave, Vaseline & Axe as Low as 30¢

Check your paper today for a nice batch of Unilever coupons in the RetailMeNot Everday insert. There are some nice ones for Suave, Axe and Vaseline, and there are some additional savings opportunities to be had.

To start with, if you have the FREE Fetch App to earn points you can redeem for Target & other Gift Cards, check for several Unilever offers.

If you aren’t familiar with this app and haven’t signed up yet, be sure and enter the code VP5JJ BEFORE submitting your first receipt to earn an extra 2,000 points. Offers can vary by user, but if you have the Suave offer too, it makes for a nice deal…

Suave Body Wash $2.39 (Regular Price)
-.75/1 Suave Body Wash ETS 1-26-20 RMNE1 x2/16
Earn 750pts wyb Suave Body Wash w/Fetch (essentially .75) x2/18
(if  new to Fetch – enter code VP5JJ Before uploading receipt for EXTRA 2k points.
= .89 after coupon & Fetch

But, some of you may have gotten a $1/2 variation of the insert coupon, that still makes for a nice deal…

Buy 2 Suave Body Wash $2.39 (Regular Price) = $4.78
-$1/2 Suave Body Wash ETS 1-26-20 RMNE1 x2/16
Earn 750pts wyb Suave Body Wash w/Fetch (essentially .75) x2/18
(if  new to Fetch – enter code VP5JJ Before uploading receipt for EXTRA 2k points.
= $3.03 for two or $1.51 each

Also to note, in addition to a new insert coupon for Vaseline, we also have a new Target Circle offer to stack and save even more…

Vaseline Hand & Body Lotion PSA $2.99
-10% Off Vaseline Target Circle x2/1
-$2/1 Vaseline Lotion 6.8 oz+ 1-26-20 RMNE1 x2/9
= as low as .69 after stack

If you didn’t get the higher-value insert coupon, there is a manufacturer’s coupon on Circle you could use instead…

Vaseline Hand & Body Lotion PSA $2.99
-10% Off Vaseline Target Circle x2/1
-$1/1 Vaseline Lotion 6.8 oz+ Manufacturer’s Coupon on Circle x3/31
= $1.69 after stack

Another insert coupon is for $1.50 off 1 Axe Product to make for a nice price. However, stack with Target circle & Fetch offers to make for awesome deals..

Axe Deodorant PSA $3.89 (Regular Price)
-15% off Axe Products ETS Target Circle x2/1
-$1.50/1 Axe Product, excluding Twin packs 1-26-20 RMNE1 x2/9
Earn 1250pts wyb Axe Deodorant w/Fetch (essentially $1.25) x2/18

(if  new to Fetch – enter code VP5JJ Before uploading receipt for EXTRA 2k points.
= .56 after stack & Fetch

Axe Body Wash PSA $3.59 (Regular Price)
-15% off Axe Products ETS Target Circle x2/1
-$1.50/1 Axe Product, excluding Twin packs 1-26-20 RMNE1 x2/9
Earn 1250pts wyb Axe Body Wash w/Fetch (essentially $1.25) x2/18
(if  new to Fetch – enter code VP5JJ Before uploading receipt for EXTRA 2k points.
= .30 after stack & Fetch

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Nice Target Deals on Lipton Tea – as Low as $1.10 a Box

We have some nice Target deals on Lipton tea right now. To start with, we have a new long-term sale on Lipton Tea to watch for at your stores thru February 1st. If you have the FREE Fetch App to earn points you can redeem for Target & other Gift Cards, check for an offer on Lipton Tea to save even more.

If you aren’t familiar with this app and haven’t signed up yet, be sure and enter the code VP5JJ BEFORE submitting your first receipt to earn an extra 2,000 points. Offers can vary by user, but if you have the offer too, it makes for a nice deal…

Lipton Green Tea Bags 20 ct 2/$4 or $2 each (Sale thru 2/1)
Earn 500pts wyb Lipton Tea Bags or K-Cups w/Fetch (essentially .50) x2/4
(if  new to Fetch – enter code VP5JJ Before uploading receipt for EXTRA 2k points.
= $1.50 after Fetch & sale, regularly $2.39

However, you may want to wait for Sunday for this deal for a couple reasons. There are manufacturer’s coupons for Lipton coming in the 1-26 RMNE insert. So, be sure and check your inserts tomorrow. Keep in mind the coupon value will vary, but it makes for an even better deal….

Lipton Green Tea Bags 20 ct 2/$4 or $2 each (Sale thru 2/1)
-.40/1; .75/2 Lipton Tea Bags 1-26-20 RMNE1 x2/23
Earn 500pts wyb Lipton Tea Bags or K-Cups w/Fetch (essentially .50) x2/4
(if  new to Fetch – enter code VP5JJ Before uploading receipt for EXTRA 2k points.
= as low as $1.10 after Fetch, a .40/1 & sale, regularly $2.39

Another reason to wait til Sunday to shop is that we have an upcoming offer for a FREE $10 gift card when you buy $50 or more of groceries starting 1/26.

Your Lipton purchase would make for a great filler item to meet the spending requirement for the gift card.

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New High-Value Cartwheel Stack on Lipton Tea Bags

We have a new Target cartwheel offer available to save 20% off Lipton Tea bags and mixes. There’s a manufacturer’s coupon to stack and make for some nice savings…

Lipton Green Tea Bags 20 ct $2.39 (Reg. Price)
-20% Off Lipton Tea Bags & Mixes Target-Cartwheel x5/27
-.40/1; .75/2 Lipton Tea Bags, K-cups, Iced Tea Mix 5-12-19 RMNE1 x6/9
= as low as $1.51 after stack

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