Target to Price Match Online Competitors Starting 11/1

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Watching the news last night I was pleasantly surprised to hear some pretty cool Target news! They announced that for the first time, they will match prices with select online competitors between Nov. 1st and Dec. 16th. Customers will only need to show the online price for the item using their smartphone or ask customer service to look it up. These online retailers include,,, and Sounds very cool to me! There was also an article that Gerard saw in the Washington Post if you want to check it out HERE

To make it easier to check online deals with your smartphone, Target has started providing FREE Wi-Fi in its stores with plans to have it in all stores for the holiday season. FREE Wi-Fi also makes it convenient to use Target’s mobile app, redeem mobile coupons and scan QR codes. If you’re not familiar with QR codes, its short for “quick response code” and works like a bar code that you can scan with a camera-equipped smartphone for more information. For example, the Target mobile app can scan a QR code on a product and give you price, details, etc. Don’t you just love technology?! 🙂

-Thanks Gerard of Clip and Follow!


  1. I work at target and oddly enough have heard nothing about this yet at my store….which doesn’t mean much! I think this will make people happy though! The price matching is always an issue! I do know joelle, that we don’t match black Friday deals though! They’be already told us that one and its like that every year!

  2. And let the match-ups start now I can’t wait until this starts. Kris my target used to do the same thing and that was a big pain in the you know what. But now they have they can do them at the register I’m so happy about that.

  3. I wonder if this is in response to people getting upset about and target’s prices varying. I used to work the service desk and at least once a day I would have to explain that they were 2 seperate entities and we couldn’t price match our own online store. It was frustrating. I’ll have to read and see if this is what they plan to do. I would hope so! This is a brave step for them!

  4. @ Lacey, this may be why they will be offering free WiFi. My only conern is that it is almost time for all the seasonal cashiers to be starting. While they are usually friendly they have no clue when it comes to coupons so what is going to happen when we throw this at the new cashiers as well? Its not the cashiers fault and they usually get more frustrated than the customers do, they simply aren’t trained as well.

    I really think Target should put in a designated coupon lane. Benefit one: we don’t get the aggravated looks or sighs from non couponing customers. Benefit two: we get cashiers that are trained a bit better on coupons and can keep the lines moving quicker.

  5. price matching at tgt is a pain. i tried it last week and had to check out at the register then take my 2 items to price match to customer service. so much better at walmart where they do it at the register. i had to have the ads too. wal mart here keeps all the ads for us. they are going to have to figure out a better way to compete.

  6. Will the price match with their own online store? That is always frustrating when the price differs there and they can’t do anything about it.

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