New High-Value Toy Cartwheels + Sales & Target Deals to Save up to 75% on Star Wars Toys & More

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Target has released a few very nice, high-value cartwheel offers today to save 50% on select toys. Some of these are even on sales to make for some BIG savings…

BB-8 Star Wars Mega Playset $99.99 (Sale thru 2/17)
-50% Off BB-8 Star Wars Mega Playset Target-Cartwheel x2/21
= $49.99 after cartwheel & sale, reg. $199.99!


Star Wars Forces of Destiny Adventure Figures $34.99 (Reg. Price)
-50% Off Star Wars Forces of Destiny Adventure Figures Target-Cartwheel x2/21
= $17.49 after cartwheel

Marvel Infinite Series Figures $11.99 (Sale thru 3/3)
-50% Off Marvel Infinite Series Figures Target-Cartwheel x2/21
= $5.99 after cartwheel & sale, reg. $19.99


Transformters Autobot Sqweeks RC $49.99 (Sale thru 2/17)
-50% Off Transformers Autobot Sqweeks RC Target-Cartwheel x2/21
= $24.99 after cartwheel & sale, reg. $79.99

There were a couple of other new high-value Target cartwheels to save on additional toys. My store did not have them, but you might want to check them out since they make for such nice savings…

-50% Off Recoil Multi-Player Starter Set Target-Cartwheel x2/17
-50% Off Transformers Dragonstorm Changer Target-Cartwheel x2/21

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