Great Target Deals on Gain Flings & Fireworks – Save Up to 60%

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We have a new high-value manufacturer’s coupon on cartwheel for $2 off select Gain fabric enhancers, including Fireworks 14.8 oz bottles. Even better, this product is included in this week’s offer for a FREE $10 Gift card wyb 3 select household items.

In addition, we have a rebate offer on the ibotta app and an additional insert coupon to make for a great price….

DEAL IDEA: Buy 3 Gain Fireworks 14.8 oz ($9.99) = $29.97
-$3 (redeem 3x Earn $1 wyb Gain Fireworks 10 oz+ w/ibotta app (limit 5)
-$2/1 Gain Fabric Enhancer, select (Fireworks 5.7 oz+ incl) 7-7 RMNE x8/10 (limit 1)
-$2/1 Gain, select (Fireworks 14.8 oz incl) MQ on Cartwheel x7/27 (1 time use)
= $22.97 – $10 Gift Card back for buying 3 thru 7/13
= $12.97 for all 3 or $4.32 each, or like saving over 55%

If you got that nice high-value insert coupon for $3 off Gain Flings too, they are included in the gift card offer as well. So you could mix & match and do something like this….

DEAL IDEA: Buy 1 Gain Flings 42 ct ($11.99)
& Buy 2 Gain Fireworks 14.8 oz ($9.99) = $31.97
-$3 off when you buy 1 Gain Flings 32 ct+ 7-7 RMNE x8/10
-$2 (redeem 2x Earn $1 wyb Gain Fireworks 10 oz+ w/ibotta app (limit 5)
-$2/1 Gain Fabric Enhancer, select (Fireworks 5.7 oz+ incl) 7-7 RMNE x8/10 (limit 1)
-$2/1 Gain, select (Fireworks 14.8 oz incl) MQ on Cartwheel x7/27 (1 time use)
= $22.97 – $10 Gift Card back for buying 3 thru 7/13
= $12.97 for all 3 or like saving 60%

Or, get 9 more Flings for just $1 more buy purchasing the 51 count for $13.99 with an additional rebate offer….

DEAL IDEA: Buy 1 Gain Flings 51 ct ($13.99)
& Buy 2 Gain Fireworks 14.8 oz ($9.99) = $33.97
-$3 off when you buy 1 Gain Flings 32 ct+ 7-7 RMNE x8/10
Earn $1 wyb Gain Flings 51 ct or larger w/ibotta app (limit 5)

-$2 (redeem 2x Earn $1 wyb Gain Fireworks 10 oz+ w/ibotta app (limit 5)
-$2/1 Gain Fabric Enhancer, select (Fireworks 5.7 oz+ incl) 7-7 RMNE x8/10 (limit 1)
-$2/1 Gain, select (Fireworks 14.8 oz incl) MQ on Cartwheel x7/27 (1 time use)
= $23.97 – $10 Gift Card back for buying 3 thru 7/13
= $13.97 for all 3 or like saving almost 60%