Saturday Recipe: Super Cute The Cat in The Hat Cupcakes + Upcoming Dr. Seuss Target Store Event

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lf you have little ones who are Dr. Seuss fans, you might want to check out the recipe for these super-cute The Cat in the Hat cupcakes. These fun treats are easy to make, and you could always use a box mix instead of making the cupcakes from scratch.

These Cat in the Hat Cupcakes would also be fun at a Dr. Seuss themed birthday party. For the complete The Cat in the Hat cupcakes recipe visit at!

Speaking of Dr. Seuss, on Saturday, February 29th from 10 am – 11:30 am, Target will be having it’s Annual Dr. Seuss In-Store Hats Off to Reading Event in celebration of Dr. Seuss’s Birthday. You can go HERE for more deets on this event.

In addition, Target has some nice sales on select Dr. Seuss items next week. Bright & Early board books will be $15, and other board books will be included with prices starting at $3.50.

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