There is a nice big discount to be had on So Cozy hair care with a new high-value Target Cartwheel offer to save 50% on the Boing varieties thru 7/23. Even better- there’s a new sale AND we have ibotta offers to make for some super-nice savings…
So Cozy Curl Shampoo & Conditioner 10.5 oz $11 (Sale thru 7/30)
-$5.50 (use 50% off SoCozy Boing Hair Care item Target-Cartwheel x7/23
–Earn up to $4 wyb SoCozy Curl Shampoo 10.5 oz with ibotta app
–Earn up to $4 wyb SoCozy Curl Conditioner 10.5 oz with ibotta app
= $1.50 for either product after cartwheel & ibotta offer, regulalry $12.95!